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Fuck.He was so screwed.

Knowing that he’d already spent a lot longer time in the bathroom than was appropriate for a handwashing, even if he sang the Happy Birthday song like he’d taught Bree, he shut the water off and dried his hands. He needed to get out there and get this over with.

He opened the door and heard music playing. When he walked down the hall it got louder. As he came around the corner, he saw Vivien and Bree were dancing in the living room area. Vivien was holding Bree’s hands while she spun in a circle as they both giggled and danced around.

He folded his arms over his chest and leaned against the wall. “What’s going on here?”

“Dance party!” Bree exclaimed, pumping her fist in the air.

“A dance party?” he repeated.

“Sorry.” Vivien turned the music down on her phone. “My mom was sort of a health nut and so if we were going to have junk food for a movie night or something special like pizza, we would have a dance party to preemptively work off the calories. It’s tradition.”

Vivien had been in their lives for barely over a day? and she was already sharing family traditions with them. This was not good.

“Can we eat now?” Bree asked looking up at Vivien.

Viv looked at Glenn for the okay.

“Did you wash your hands?” he asked his daughter.

Both Bree and Vivien nodded.

“Then let’s eat.”

Vivien opened the pizza box and Glenn handed out the paper plates that had come with the delivery. He’d grabbed some groceries so they had soda and juice. He offered to open the wine Vivien brought but she explained it was a housewarming gift. Vivien opted for a soda and since it was sort of a special occasion, he let Bree have one also.

They sat down and as Bree was explaining how she was going to be starting ballet lessons Glenn opened the jar of hot sauce and started dousing his pizza with it.

Vivien glanced over at him and then did a double take. “Whoa, slow down, Chris Perez.”

Glenn looked up at her. “Chris Perez?”

“From the movie Selena, they go out for pizza and Chris puts a bunch of hot sauce on his pizza...” She paused as if she was waiting for some sort of recognition.

Glenn had heard of the movie, but he’d never seen it.

“You’ve never seen Selena?!” she asked as if that was a travesty.

“Is that Bidi Bidi Bom Bom?” Bree put her hands in the air and started shaking her hips.

“Yes!” Viv smiled widely. “See Bree knows what’s up!”

Both Viv and Bree started singing together, “Bidi Bidi Bom Bom” before collapsing in giggles.

“Mommy loves that movie! Can we watch it after pizza? Please?!” Bree folded her hands and begged and engaged her secret weapon, the puppy dog eyes looking between Vivien and himself.

“I don’t think Miss Vivien has time for—”

“I have time,” Vivien cut him off. “It’s streaming on Netflix.”

“Yay! Let’s watch it!” Bree grabbed the remote for the forty-inch television that was mounted on the wall.

They’d been there for just a few hours, but Bree had already figured out the remote controls. That was kids these days for you. Bree had just turned six and half of her friends had their own computers and phones.

They all moved over to the living space as the movie began to play.

Bree plopped down on the floor in front of the couch and Glenn set her pizza and soda on the coffee table. Vivien snuggled up into the corner and Glenn sat on the other side of the sofa.
