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Part of her regretted taking the road trip, regretted the night in the motel, and regretted hooking up with him in his bathroom. But another part of her wouldn’t trade those experiences for the world. Being with Glenn had shown her what being with someone was supposed to feel like. How all-encompassing and complete sex could make you feel.

But now he’d set a bar that she wasn’t sure anyone else could ever meet. Especially since she wasn’t interested in anyone else. Arturo Cruz had asked her to go back to his place for a drink and she’d yawned. Literally. She hadn’t meant to and the timing was rude, but that had been her body’s reaction to being propositioned by a man who had just been ranked number one in the Top Ten Sexiest Up and Coming Athletes in the World.

“Maybe he only like box and he no like to dance.”

Viv thought it was telling that even though she hadn’t talked to Nonna about Glenn, she’d known exactly who she was talking about without her even saying his name.

“He did dance. He danced with Adriana and Jenna.”

Jenna was the one that had really hit her like a punch in the gut. She’d watched the woman walk up and ask him after he was done dancing with Adriana and he’d said yes. Seeing the two of them together, and how perfect they looked together, was a reality check.

It was like seeing the captain of the football team with the head cheerleader. Not only was Jenna gorgeous and successful, she’d also been an athlete in college. She was a runner and had qualified for the Olympics as an alternate when she was twenty. She was also a parent to a great kid. And she was half of a successful co-parent team of a girl who was in her teens.

Jenna had already done the work that was ahead of Glenn. Viv knew that if Glenn ever did decide to be in a relationship, he would be very particular about who he brought around Bree, as he should be. Jenna had a stellar resume in that department. All Glenn had to do was spend five minutes with Blake and he’d be able to see that obviously Jenna was capable of raising an incredible young woman.

The two had a lot in common. A hell of a lot more than he and Viv did. She didn’t have a child. There were no baby daddies. And she had zero resume when it came to kids or commitment. And her boobs were way too big to ever get into running.

“So!” Nonna exclaimed. “What do about it? Do you ask him?”

This was why she’d kept her situation to herself. When you involved other people they gave you stupid advice, like Josh telling her that she should tell Glenn how she felt. And Nonna telling her that she should have asked him to dance.

Why was it always on her to make the move?

“You stop feeling sorry! You don’t like something, change it! Why you think he can read mind?!”

Because he could. At least when they were in bed together. He was so in tune to her. If her body was a piano, he was Mozart.

Viv heard some commotion in the background before Nonna made a disgusted sound. “Ahh! I go. Elvia throws up in the hall.”

The call disconnected just as Viv pulled into her driveway. When she did her headlights shone on a familiar figure seated on her porch. Glenn had taken off his jacket and tie, his white sleeves were rolled up on his forearms and the sexy sight sent shivers racing down Viv’s spine.

“Damn him.” He didn’t have the right to make her feel like this when he’d been an asshat all night.

She’d heard from several of the Maguire’s that Rosalie and Sean were keeping the kiddos tonight for a big sleepover. She’d even seen pictures of a horse drawn carriage that Sean had rented to pick all the kids up in since the girls had been upset they weren’t able to go to the ball, which was all sorts of adorable.

So she knew that he didn’t have Bree tonight. But no matter how much she wanted to, tonight was not going to be a booty call. She was done with those. No more one night, or in this case two nights and one morning stands.

The next person she had sex with, it was going to be in a committed relationship. Period. Her wild days were behind her. She didn’t regret them, because they made her the woman that she was today. And when she looked in the mirror, she was proud.

But she knew what she wanted now. And as much as her hormones and heart were telling her it was Glenn, her head was smarter. It knew if she gave into him tonight, it would never stop.

She walked up with the intention of telling him that she was tired and wanted him to leave, but when she opened her mouth all that came out was, “Hey.”

Real badass Viv. Way to tell him, her inner snark piped in.

He stood. “I know you’re probably tired, but can we talk?”

“Just talk,” Viv emphasized as she walked past him and unlocked the door. When she did she smelt his Irish spring goodness and her knees went weak. She had to keep physical distance from Glenn, that was the only shot in hell she had at being able to tell him that he had to leave after he said whatever it was he wanted to say.

When they got inside she closed the door and moved to across the room. “We need to have some ground rules. You stay six feet away from me and absolutely no touching.”

“Six feet away.”

“I don’t want to smell you,” she explained.

His brow furrowed and he lowered his head and sniffed himself.

“You don’t stink. It’s a pheromone thing. I can’t concentrate when I can smell you.”

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