Page 60 of Sex on the Beach

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“It’s only been a few months.” Reagan took a sip of her Malibu and Coke. “And there has been a lot going on.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about?” Cheyenne feigned innocence. “We’re just one, big, happy family. No drama at all.”

We all chuckled but it died down when someone approached the table. “I don’t want to interrupt girl’s night, but can I interest any of you ladies in a game of pool?”

The man that Nadia had shooed away when we first arrived was back. This time he was holding a pool stick.

“Knox.” Nadia who was sitting beside me and in the aisle seat position of the booth put her hand on Knox’s forearm. “We all know you’re only asking the lovely Isabella.”

All eyes turned to me and I could feel my cheeks flush. I hated being the center of attention. I never knew what I should be doing. Should I say something? Should I smile? Should I stare blankly in front of me?

“How do you know that?” Knox asked, his eyes still focused on me as he winked.

“Well, we,”—Nadia waved her hand between herself and Knox—“have already played our fair share of pool. And you wouldn’t dare ask Reagan or Cheyenne.”

“Really? Why’s that?” he asked, a twinkle of challenge in his eyes.

My attention was focused on Nadia, but I could feel his stare on me.

“Because you value your testicles too much,” Nadia stated bluntly.

Cheyenne and Reagan chuckled. I glanced down at my drink.

“True,” Knox agreed, not seeming at all offended by her statement.

I wasn’t sure if Nadia was already feeling the effects of her drink or if she was always this bold, but I liked it.

“Well, darlin’. What do you say?” Knox reached out his arm across Nadia.

Part of me wanted to decline his request. I was out with the girls, here at Cheyenne’s invitation. But the other part of me really wanted to check ‘hustle someone at pool’ off my list. I’d wanted to do it ever since I saw Mystic Pizza when I was twelve.

There was a slight tug-of-war about what the right thing to do would be. Ultimately, the part of me that wanted to have my Julia Roberts moment won.

I looked across the table at Cheyenne. “Do you mind?”

“No, go!” she encouraged.

Nadia scooted out of the booth so that I could get out. When I stood, Knox didn’t move, which put my gaze eye level with his broad chest, only about two inches away from my face.

On paper, Knox was exactly the sort of guy that would normally catch my eye. He was tall, in shape, clean-cut, confident, with a deep voice. What wasn’t to like? But when I looked at him, I didn’t feel anything. No spark. No attraction. No interest.

I didn’t read too much into my reaction, but I did note it as we made our way to the back room where I’d seen a pool table. I grabbed a stick, felt the weight, set it back down and selected another.

When I turned around, I found myself once again nose to chest with the man that had played his fair share of pool with Nadia. I’d never been very particular about my personal space, but Knox was pushing the line of what was appropriate.

My eyes lifted to his. “I’m Isabella, by the way.”

“Bella. That means beautiful.” He grinned.

It was a nice grin, but it had nothing on Jimmy’s. That’s when it hit me, why I was immune to the man standing in front of me. It was because I’d already caught feelings for another man. It had nothing to do with Knox and everything to do with me. Me and Jimmy.

“It’s Isabella,” I corrected him.

Hearing him call me the same name as Jimmy didn’t sit right with me.

“It’s nice to meet you, Isabella.” He held out his hand. “Knox Montgomery.”

He said his last name as if it should mean something to me. I figured that must be because he was a member of one of the founding families. But I only knew about that because I’d read it in a pamphlet. His arrogance was going to make this even more fun.
