Page 61 of Sex on the Beach

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“Have you played much pool?” he asked as he collected the balls and put them in the rack.

“Some.” I chalked my cue.

“Well, just remember to hit through the ball, you’ll be just fine.” He winked.

“Thanks.” It was the second time that he’d winked at me and I wondered if that actually worked with other women. It read as disingenuous to me.

“Do you want to break?” He lifted the rack up.

“No, you can.” I waited as he made a big show of setting up his shot. Before he actually made it, his eyeline lifted to mine. “What do you say we make this interesting?”

Damn, this could not be going any better if I scripted it myself!

I did my best to tamper the excitement I felt so it didn’t show in my face. “What do you have in mind?”

“Well, if you win, your girl’s night is on me. I’ll pick up the tab.”

Billy had made it clear that the night was on him, I assumed because of Cheyenne being his sister and Reagan being his girlfriend. But that really wasn’t what this was about, at least for me. “And if you win?”

“Well, if I win you let me take you out on a proper date.”

I had no interest in dating Knox, but I also had no plans to let Knox win. I hesitated, trying to sell the idea that I was mulling it over. Finally, I took a deep breath, “Okay.”

“Deal?” Knox offered me his hand.

I placed my hand in his. “Deal.”

“Sucker.” I heard someone say.

I turned around and for the first time noticed a large, bright green parrot with red-tipped wings and a yellow head on a perch in the corner of the room.

“Shut up, Skittles.” Knox chalked his cue, apparently on a first-name basis with the bird. “He says that when he sees people shake hands.”

Smart bird.

I stepped closer to the beautiful, winged smartass. “Hi, Skittles.”

“Pretty lady,” Skittles squawked.

“He says that when he sees a pretty lady.”

The voice I heard behind me didn’t belong to Knox.

Goosebumps broke out on my bare arms. The tiny hairs on the back of my neck stood up. My heart began to thump so loud I was sure that any second Skittles was going to comment on it.

I turned, in what felt like slow motion and came face to face with Jimmy. After watching him from across the room all night, the up close and personal view took me by surprise. There was something so sexy about his appearance, and it wasn’t just his perfect jawline. It was the stubble that covered that perfect jawline. And it wasn’t just his honey brown eyes, it was the dark lashes that framed those eyes. And it wasn’t just his thick brown hair, it was the wave that ran through it.

Every part of him was just a smidge sexier than the average man, and it all added up to quite a lot sexier.

“Hi.” My greeting was so breathy it was nearly inaudible.

“Can I help you with somethin’, Comfort?” Knox stepped around the table and joined us. “The lady and I were just about to play a game.”

“Don’t mind me.” Jimmy lifted his bottle of beer, tilting the neck toward Knox. He nodded at me as he walked past me, his chest brushing against my upper arm. “Bella.”

His deep voice saying my name instantly transported me back to the cave. Back to when he was saying my name while he was buried deep inside of me. A shiver ran down my spine.

“It’s Isabella,” Knox corrected him.
