Page 89 of Sex on the Beach

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“Today was amazing.” I sighed as we pulled into Jimmy’s driveway. “Thank you so much.”

Jimmy cut the engine and his head fell back with a thud.

“I know you told me to stop saying that,” I rushed to qualify. “But I can’t, because today was…” Silence fell as I searched for the right words to express what I was feeling.

“Hold that thought.” Jimmy lifted his head and unlatched his seatbelt. “Sherlock can hear when the truck pulls up and if I’m not through that door in thirty seconds, I’m gonna have a puddle of his excitement to clean up.”

“Oh, right!” I hadn’t forgotten about Sherlock, but I’d never had a dog, so I hadn’t considered that he’d be waiting.

I followed Jimmy inside the house and was greeted just as enthusiastically tonight as I had been the night before. A bundle of fur and tongue jumped up on me.

“Hi, Sherlock!” I laughed as I tried my best to dodge his attempts to French kiss me.

“Hey!” Jimmy yelled as he pulled Sherlock down. “Where are your manners? You can’t treat a lady like that.”

Actually, if Jimmy wanted to jump on me and lick me, I’d be all good with it,I thought silently, wishing I had the confidence to say it out loud.

As much as I’d promised myself that things would be different and I’d say what was on my mind, I hadn’t really lived up to that one quite yet. But I’d definitely asked for what I’d wanted, and that had worked out for me.

“I’m gonna put him out.” Jimmy walked toward the back of the house with Sherlock beside him.

I’d heard the phrase, that man looks just as good going as he does coming, but I’d never fully appreciated its meaning until I met Jimmy. His wide shoulders, strong back, and sexy butt made it a pleasure to watch him go.

My body had been operating on a pretty high level of endorphins, emotions, and hormones all day, and I hadn’t gotten much sleep the night before, so I should’ve been exhausted. But the truth was, I was wide awake. I was buzzing with all the possibilities of how tonight would play out.

Would we have sex against the wall? Would we go to his bedroom? Would he throw me down on the couch?

For the record I was perfectly fine with any or all of those possibilities.

When Jimmy came back in the room, the look in his golden eyes had my temperature spiking. His long strides were measured and commanding. He was stalking toward me, a man on a mission, and I was pretty sure the mission was to make one of the multiple X-rated scenarios that had been running through my mind a reality.

As much as I would’ve loved to be the prey to his hunter, there was something I needed to do first. “Um,” I said when he was a few feet away. “Would I possibly be able to take a shower?”

It had been a long, jam-packed day and I had layers of it clinging to my skin.

“That depends.” His face didn’t give anything away.

Up until this moment, Jimmy had been the consummate gentleman. It never even occurred to me that he wouldn’t want me taking a shower at his house. “On what?”

“On whether or not I can join you.”

“Oh!” My eyes widened. This was another example of how my inexperience revealed itself. Most people would’ve probably understood what he was inferring without him having to spell it out. Oh well, there was nothing I could do about my novice status except keep working to become an expert. And Jimmy joining me in the shower sounded exactly like the way I could do that.

“Yes, but I can’t get my hair wet.” Miss Shaw had been very adamant about that.

“Don’t worry, darlin’. Your hair isn’t what I plan on gettin’ wet.”

In one swift movement, he’d swept me off my feet. One second I was standing in front of him, the next I was being cradled in his arms. I squealed and wrapped my arms around his neck as he carried me into the master bathroom.

He set me down and instructed, “Strip.”

I kicked off my shoes as he turned the water on in the shower. When my feet hit the cold tile floor a shiver ran through me. I wasn’t sure if it was a reaction to the frigid tile or if it was a byproduct of the excitement bubbling up inside of me.

Once he had the water to a temperature of his liking he reached behind his head and tugged his shirt up and off.
