Page 88 of Sex on the Beach

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“Is that yours?”

“I wish. Nah, it’s my buddy Pete’s. He races professionally.”

“And that’s his car?” She pointed.

“Yep. And this is his private racetrack.”


She looked appropriately impressed as she scanned the area. There were large floodlights that shone onto a pro-practice track.

“You ready?” I asked.

“For what?”

“Number 152. You said you wanted to drive as fast as a car could go.”

“How did you remember that?”

“Because after you went to sleep last night I went out to the front room, picked up the list, and took pictures of it with my phone.”

“You did?” I couldn’t tell if she was horrified or thought it was romantic.

When her eyes started welling up and her bottom lip trembled, I figured it was the latter. Leaning down, I did something I’d wanted to do all day—kiss her. As she melted into my kiss, I almost forgot where we were, or what we were doing.

“Did you two want me to leave?” I heard Pete’s voice behind me.

I broke our kiss and Bella’s cheeks flamed with embarrassment. That happened a lot around me, and I liked it. I made introductions and then watched as Pete explained to Bella what she would be doing.

Just like when she’d been out for the girl’s night at Southern Comfort, I took the opportunity to just watch her. She’d lit up the bar then just like she was lighting up this racetrack now. From the moment I’d seen her on the dock, there’d been something so different about her. There was an intangible quality that she possessed.

She was fucking magic.
