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Jamie gave her a quick hug before heading over to the information desk and picking up the phone. Billy knew that they weren’t out of the woods yet, but the fact that Charlie was awake and they were running tests seemed like good news to him. He was holding onto that sliver of hope, but it looked like the information wasn’t doing much to comfort Maxi, whose tears were now falling down her face.

His chest tightened seeing her look so scared, so fragile. Not knowing what else to do, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into him. He knew there was a chance that she’d stiffen, or even push him away but he didn’t care. Neither of those things happened. Instead she melted against him, burying her head into his chest.

He held her tightly, running his hands up and down her back. Everything else going on seemed so wrong, but this was right. Nothing had ever felt as right to him as this. She belonged here, in his arms. This was what he was made to do. To hold her. To protect her. To love her.

He never thought he was capable of this kind of love. The kind of love that made everything else in his life seem insignificant. The kind of love that he would die for. That’s what he felt for Maxi.

He wanted to tell her, the words were on the tip of his tongue. But he kept them there. She was dealing with enough without adding his feelings on top of everything else. Running his fingers through her hair he cradled her head as she nuzzled closer to him.

“Okay,” Jamie’s voice snapped him out of his haze of emotion and Maxi stepped out of his embrace. “He’ll be in room three sixteen. I’ll take you there so you can wait for him.”

“I’m going to head out.” Seth gave him the one arm man hug. “Call if you guys need anything.”

“Thanks, man. I will.”

Jamie and the Colonel made small talk as the four of them made their way to the elevator banks and Billy reached for Maxi’s hand. She threaded her fingers through his. He may not be able to tell her with words how he felt, but he could show her. He would show her.
