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September 4, 1801

Dear Brother,

I know it has only been a week since you went away. But I miss you a lot, and I wish you would come back already.

Your favorite sister,

Sam—seven years old.

November 7th, 1801

My Dear Sam,

I’ve missed you a lot too. I promise, I shall come home on leave as soon as I can. However, I do enjoy it here in the army. It suits me well. I’ve found a few friends already.

Please, keep writing to me every day. I want to know all the minutiae of your life. I want to see you grow up. Or at least read about your life in vivid details.

Your favorite brother,


March 6, 1804

Dear Brother,

The winter is very cold and dull in Hampshire. Tell me what are the West Indies like? Is it cold there, or is it sunny and extremely hot? Is the grass there similar to ours? Are there exotic butterflies? What is the sky like?

P.S. Attached is a sketch of our house during the gloomy weather.

Your favorite sister,


November 14, 1804

My Dear Sam,

I’ve just received a bulk of letters from you. I am certain you’re fretting over me, wondering why I am not writing back. Let me assure you I am all right. The mail here is less than reliable, but at least I’ve received most of your correspondence.

Nature here is indeed different from ours. The tree leaves are bigger, the colors are richer and brighter. The sky, however, is the same. On a cloudless night, I can see the stars. When I look at them, I can imagine I am back home.

P.S. The likeness of the manor is uncanny. Please continue sending me your sketches. I would love to see your progress.

Your favorite brother,


December 29th, 1805

Dear Brother,

Adam took hold of your last letter to me and took exception to your calling yourself my favorite brother. He refused to take me out on rides until I had to agree that he was my favorite. Let’s hope he doesn’t say this to Alan and Richard, or I shall not get any exercise at all.

Since the only thing we have in common is the sky, I started learning constellations, so we could discuss something together. But I cannot make out any of the real ones. Instead, I came up with different ones on my own. When you look upon the stars next time, do be sure to look for a bunny. Let me know when you find him. Meanwhile, I shall create a tale for him, since every constellation has a legend. My poor bunny cannot be the only one without one, can he?

P.S. Adam has enlisted to work in the office of the Secretary at War. I am praying this means we can get more frequent correspondence from you.
