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“Yes, darling.”

Sam smiled at the endearment. “Do you mind if we go visit Evie at her Somerset estate before we head home?”

John moved away and looked at her wearily. “Sam, my love, didn’t I just say I shan’t do anything that would endanger you or the babe? The journey to Somerset is long and rough.”

Sam lowered her eyes and made a pouting face.

“No, don’t even try that look on me. I’ll not budge on this. I can promise you this, however. I shall find a way to transport the duchess to our estate.”

“You will?” Sam’s mood brightened instantaneously.

“Yes, I promise. You will see your friend before the summer is out.”

Sam hugged him tightly and kissed him soundly on his lips. She then moved to kiss his jaw, his neck. She started unbuttoning his shirt and kissing every piece of flesh revealed.

“Sam?” John’s hands tightened in her hair. “What are you doing?”

She untucked his shirt from his breeches. “I haven’t been made love to in over a fortnight.”

“Good to know.” John chuckled, helping her draw his shirt over his head. He took her in his arms and placed her in the middle of the bed, hovering over her.

“And I want that remedied.” She smiled at him suggestively and bit down on her lower lip, drawing his gaze to her mouth.

“Happy to oblige.”

John kissed her lips, her neck, and all the way down to the bodice of her shift. Then he took the bodice between his two hands and ripped it. She gave a soft yelp.

He smiled against her chest. “Sorry,” he said, clearly not meaning it. “Too impatient.”

He took her pendant in his hand and placed a kiss on it. Sam hitched her breath. John then proceeded kissing, licking, and softly biting his way down. He suckled her nipples, then moved lower. He paused, hovering over her abdomen, then kissed it gently, tenderly. He then opened his mouth and licked her belly, making Sam giggle.

“It tickles.”

A low grunt was his answer. He moved even lower then, nudged her knees apart, and settled in the cradle of her hips, holding her thighs tightly with his hands. When he kissed her in her most intimate place, she almost flew off the bed. He proceeded licking and suckling on her there until she couldn’t think, understand, or remember anything. She could only feel. Sam moaned and sighed, bunching the sheets by her sides. His agile tongue was doing wicked things, drawing circles upon circles among her folds, tickling and driving her insane. Sam cried out as she reached the blinding apex, the feeling of floating among the stars. Then she slowly came down to earth, completely spent and blissfully tired.

John settled beside her on the bed, placing her head on his shoulder. He wrapped her in his arms, kissing her forehead.

“Sleep,” he said, his voice hoarse from passion.

“But we didn’t…” She looked up at him in confusion. “You didn’t.”

“Tomorrow.” He kissed her forehead and smiled. “You need your sleep. I’ll wake you tomorrow.”

Sam smiled and settled comfortably in his arms. If that was the way he was going to apologize every time, she was not about to protest.

* * *

Sam and John set off for Ashbury estate the next day. Gage was not happy about it, but there was no force on Earth that could hold Sam away from her husband. Because of Sam’s nausea, they traveled at a slow pace and decided to stay in inns as much as they could. On the second day of the journey, it was pouring rain, so they could barely see anything outside the window. Sam was resting her head against John’s shoulder, her eyes closed, his arm curled around her protectively.

“How much longer before we arrive?” Sam asked without opening her eyes.

She felt John peer outside the window. “I don’t think it’s much farther. Although I don’t see anything other than the heavy rain beating against our windows. Aren’t you glad I insisted we didn’t go to the Somerset estate now?”

“Ugh,” Sam groaned and tried to find a more comfortable position. “This feels like torture.”

John shifted in his seat to make sure she had more room. “I am certain we are coming upon our London townhouse. We can spend the night there if you wish. Or even wait several days before we set out to Bedford. I am sure Mrs. Godfrey and the girls would be glad for the company.”

“I’ve missed Ashbury Manor,” she pouted.
