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“Oh, I know all that,” she said. “You see, Julie already told me.”

“She did, did she?” John smiled crookedly. “I suppose I should have expected that. Well, regardless of that, there’s more… For reasons I cannot tell you, I really am not planning to spend much of my time in the city. I shall not require my wife to follow my example, however. I do not believe that a husband and wife should spend every waking minute together.”

“Are you looking for a marriage of convenience then?” she asked thoughtfully.

“Yes, but based on friendship and mutual respect.”

“How about affection? Love?” she continued carefully.

“I am not looking to fall in love, Your Grace, and quite frankly, you will find it difficult to feel affectionate toward me most days.”

“Why is that?” She cocked her head to the side.

“Let’s just say I am a difficult person to get along with. I have a bad temper, although I’d never hurt a lady—any woman for that matter—but… I prefer solitude to company, silence to conversation.”

She contemplated that for a while. “What about children? Do you want an heir?”

“I don’t need an heir, I don’t much care what happens to the title, but I shall not leave my wife childless if that is her wish. Although, do not expect me to be an involved parent. I didn’t have much in the way of a role model.” He paused. “I know this is not an ideal proposal, especially to one such as yourself. I know you have a bevy of suitors to choose from.”

She snorted lightly at that.

“But if you don’t object to anything you’ve heard so far, I would very much like to ask your guardian’s permission to have your hand in marriage.”

The duchess was silent for some time, her gaze fixed on a single point in the distance. She was quiet and serene. So much so that he was afraid he’d broken her. He had never seen her like this. She was always animated, always in motion.Oh, God, I would make her life miserable.

“You do not have to give me an answer right away,” he soothed.

“Thank you,” was all she said.

* * *

“What did he say?” Sam asked Evie as soon as they entered the house and the door closed behind Lord Ashbury.

“He wanted to ask permission to approach my guardian,” Evie said simply, taking off her gloves and bonnet.

“He intends to ask for your hand in marriage.” Sam wasn’t surprised by that turn of events. She was more curious about her friend’s reaction. She took off her own gloves and bonnet and handed them to a waiting footman.

“Yes,” Evie said, starting up the stairs. “He also said that he’d only be marrying me for my inheritance, and although he is willing to give me friendship, I shouldn’t expect either love or affection from him.”

“He did not say that!” Sam exclaimed, outraged.

“Yes, he did.” Evie entered her suite with Sam following in her footsteps. “And he said he would give me children if I wanted, but he would not be involved with them.”

“Oh, God, Evie, what did you tell him?”

“What could I have told him, Sam?” Evie cried and covered her face with her hands. “I have no choice, do I?”

“What do you mean, you have no choice?” Sam settled on the settee next to her friend. “You can say, thank you, but no thank you!”

Evie laughed a little at that, a familiar twinkle in her eyes.Good. Sam had started to think Lord Ashbury had scarred her for life.

“You know I cannot do that, I have to marry.”

“But Lord Ashbury? You are surrounded by suitors day in and day out. Why does it have to be him?”

“Because he is honest, young, and our conversation flows naturally. Julie loves him, so there must be something in him to love. Besides, he is pleasing to look at, and be honest, you liked him too, I could tell.”

Sam contemplated that for a while. “Yes, it’s true, I did like him. But that was before you told me what he said! You don’t need to marryhim. Besides, Lady Montbrook can’t force you to marry anyone else, can she? I am certain your guardian will be on your side. You don’t need to marry now; you can still find another suitor.”
