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Chapter 6

Evie sat beside Sam and Lady Clydesdale in the drawing room. Isabel was talking with the housekeeper, while Sam’s brothers, Lord Clydesdale, and his friend, Viscount St. Clare, conversed by the hearth.

This was supposed to be a quiet, intimate dinner with just Sam’s family and Evie, but Evie had needed a chaperone, so Lady Clydesdale had accompanied her with her husband, and St. Clare tagged along in her wake. Extra people were unnecessary distractions for Sam’s plan, especially with Lady Clydesdale present, since she was the one pushing Ashbury’s suit.

Sam wasn’t worried, however. All she needed to do was to seat Evie beside Adam and once their conversation flowed, the spark would develop. She was certain of it.

As the dinner bell rang, Gage invited everyone inside. Since they were the hosts, her brothers had to show their hospitality and seat the lady guests next to them. Which meant that Gage accompanied Lady Clydesdale, while Isabel took Lord Clydesdale’s arm. Sam nudged Adam toward Evie and took St. Clare’s proffered arm.

Sam smiled smugly as she sat across from Evie and Adam. Now her plan could unfurl.

As everybody settled, the conversation started flowing around the table. Only not in the direction Sam was hoping for. The gentlemen were discussing their estate issues, Isabel and Lady Clydesdale discussed something among themselves, while Evie quietly sat chewing at her food. Adam barely looked her way.

“So,” Sam said loudly, interrupting the animated conversation around the table. “Evie, don’t you just love city life? I sometimes envy that Adam gets to live here all year round.”

Adam threw her an incredulous look, while Evie just frowned at her. Sam wasn’t fooling anyone. She preferred the country to the city and the closest people to her knew that.

“It’s absolutely boring,” St. Clare said. “Seeing the same people every day.” He shuddered theatrically.

“And yet you’re constantly here,” Clydesdale said with a crooked smile.

“It’s not like I have anywhere else to be.” St. Clare shrugged.

“Actually.” Adam cleared his throat. “I will be leaving London quite soon. I won’t be working with the Secretary at War anymore.”

“You won’t?” Sam was so surprised she forgot all about her ruse.

“Yes, I think I’ve overstayed my welcome there. Besides, Gage needs help with the lands. I will try my hand at managing the estates.”

“When did that happen?” Sam asked in astonishment.

Adam shrugged. “Long time in coming, if you ask me. I’ve been thinking of leaving for over two years.”

“With the economy as it is, we need to concentrate on farming,” Gage agreed. They continued discussing the merits of farming over diplomatic affairs, while Sam contemplated how to get the conversation back on track.

“If what you are saying is true,” she said to Gage, “and farming is the future of the economy, wouldn’t you rather Adam had his own lands?”

“And where do you propose I get those?” Adam asked around a bite of food.

Sam wasn’t quite sure how to answer that without giving her plan away. Fortunately, she didn’t have to answer.

“Why would anyone want to own land? The estate is more demanding than a mistress,” St. Clare interrupted. “In fact, I will gladly give my land away as soon as I inherit if I have the chance.”

“I am sure your tenants would appreciate that,” Clydesdale joked.

“What you need, My Lord,” Evie finally said, “is a competent estate manager to take care of everything for you.”

“And how would you know anything about that?” St. Clare asked.

“I am a duchess,” Evie huffed.

“Exactly!” Sam chimed in. “You are a duchess with seven estates. Perhaps it is better if you married someone without a title. Andhewould help you run your estates.”

Evie peered at her through narrowed eyes, suspicion clearly present in her gaze. “I don’t need help. I am certain I can run my own estates. My grandpa taught me well.”

“But you won’t be able to sit in the House of Lords,” Gage said.

St. Clare scoffed. “Now this is an opportunity she doesn’t want to miss. Sitting between sweaty old lords arguing about the best uses of manure.”
