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Chapter 14

John sat opposite Viscount Gage in the study of the Gage townhouse. They had been going over his estate books ever since the day of John and Sam’s betrothal.

Despite Gage’s insistence that the wedding be a quick one, he absolutely refused to get a special license. He said that it would invite more gossip and since there was no real rush insisted on banns to be read. This meant that John had to spend more time in London. And as much as he disliked the viscount, he preferred his company to a crowded ballroom. The viscount had agreed to help John with his estate issues and had given some advice on investments John could make with Sam’s dowry. John appreciated all the help. He had never gotten advice and education of this sort with his father. Being in Gage’s study also meant that Sam was somewhere nearby, and that thought made him feel more at peace.

John tried to visit his bride every day, but he wasn’t allowed to see her for over fifteen minutes at a time unless they were out for a ride or a short walk in the garden. Sam was always busy, either preparing a menu for the wedding breakfast, shopping for her trousseau, packing her suitcases, picking out her wedding presents, and God knew whatever else. So when John was at her residence, he spent most of his time in the company of her eldest brother, like today. John threw a glance at the viscount. He had a concentrated expression on his face as he studied the numbers.

“I don’t think these numbers are correct either,” Gage said after a short while. “I think you’re better off finding yourself a new estate manager.”

“That is easier said than done. I don’t know where to look. And the current manager has been with the Ashbury estate since before I was born.”

“And that’s the issue. He’s grown complacent. None of the numbers match up in the books. Since the late baron’s passing, I gather he stopped keeping any records whatsoever.”

John heaved a sigh. “Or possibly even before. My father didn’t truly care for his estates. Especially after both my brothers died. I doubt he checked in with the manager much in his last years.” John didn’t want to explain his family situation or why the baron didn’t care for him and didn’t want to leave him an inheritance worth receiving. Thankfully, the man didn’t press further.

“We’ll need to go over more of those, but my man of business is arriving soon. So this will have to be it for today.” Gage closed the book and stood, indicating the end of the meeting.

John followed suit and collected his belongings as he stood. He peeked through the window behind the viscount. The weather was beautiful, a rare occurrence in London. He squinted at the clock on the mantelpiece as he put on his gloves. It was still visiting hours. If Sam was unoccupied, perhaps he could entice her for a short walk in the garden before he had to leave.

“Thank you, Gage.” John tipped his hat. “I appreciate you helping me with this.”

“I am not doing it for you.”

“I realize that. I am grateful nonetheless.” With a final nod, John exited the room.

John walked through the hall and stopped beside the doors leading to the drawing room. A pleasant chatter of female voices drifted to him from inside the room. He smiled to himself, imagining a similar scene. Him coming home from a long day’s work about the estates, Sam sitting in a drawing room, greeting him with a smile upon her face. He closed his eyes and had to force the image away. If only it were this simple.

He entered and looked around the room. Several ladies were sitting in a circle, drinking tea and chattering away. He recognized some of the guests, but his eyes were riveted to his bride-to-be. Sam smiled as she noticed him, and the chatter immediately ceased.

“Good afternoon, ladies.” John inclined his head. “Do you mind if I steal my bride for a walk about the garden?”

“Not at all,” Sam’s sister answered with a smile. “You should go ahead. We will join you in ten minutes or thereabouts. Won’t we, ladies?”

“Oh, we don’t need to crowd the young couple,” one of the older ladies answered and looked John up and down in a suggestive manner. John’s lips twitched in laughter.

“You have to keep an eye out on those young and eager gentlemen,” another lady chimed in. They continued debating the issue as Sam bowed out and left the room on John’s arm.

They entered the garden in silence. John was just drinking in her closeness, enjoying the feel of her hand in the crook of his arm. The silence never felt daunting around her. He enjoyed hearing her voice, but he’d gladly sit in silence with her too. She didn’t seem to mind the quiet either. He liked that she didn’t feel the need to fill the silence with mindless chatter.

They walked quietly through the garden until they reached the rose arbor.

Sam stopped and turned to look at him. “How are things progressing with Richard? You haven’t killed each other yet, so I am guessing it’s not too bad?”

John smiled. “No, not too bad. On the contrary, I appreciate his help. It’s obvious how much effort he’s put into his own estates. He isn’t much older than me, but he has so much more experience.”

Sam nodded. “Our father sat down with him when he was but a child and taught him everything he needed to learn. Richard accompanied him to meet the tenants, the managers. Father always believed that if he were to pass unexpectedly, Richard should know what to do. I am guessing yours didn’t have the same view?”

John grimaced. “I am a third son. I was never expected to inherit.”

Sam looked like she wanted to ask more, but John decided to change the subject.

“It’s a beautiful arbor. I don’t think we’ve ever stopped here before.”

Sam smiled and looked around. “I like this little place. Somewhere quiet where I can sit and sketch.”

She leaned in to smell the rosebuds. “And it smells lovely here.”

John came up behind her and enfolded her in a gentle embrace. That’s all he meant to do, just have her close to him, inhale her scent the way she did with the rose. Only his hands came up of their own volition to caress her breasts. The warmth of her body, and the scent of her skin clouded his mind. He would have stopped if she protested, but she leaned harder into him, threw her head back, and closed her eyes. He ran his thumbs over her already erect nipples, she sighed, and he lost control.
