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Sam’s head started to ache. Where was she supposed to find the maids if there weren’t many people on the estate? Perhaps she could ask Isabel to send some of their staff. Sam nervously looked around the room. “Is this the last of it?” she asked hopefully.

“There’s still a nursery upstairs,” Mrs. Lawson said, and Sam immediately brightened up. A nursery. She’d like to see it very much.

* * *

John entered his bedchamber and took off his coat and waistcoat. His cravat followed, and he loosened his shirt at the collar. Now he could breathe easily again. He was still not used to the buttoned-up, tight civilian clothing, and he wouldn’t have worn it if it weren’t for his wife. He’d dressed up for supper,for her, but his efforts had been in vain. His wife had dined earlier without him. He didn’t fault her for not waiting for him; he hadn’t told her he’d be late. Perhaps not the best beginning of a marriage, probably better still than an awkward supper conversation.

He’d spent most of his day working with the villagers, helping them repair fences, shoveling dirt, and looking for servants for his estate and was mighty tired.Good. That meant he’d be able to fall asleep easier too. The day had been busy and productive, but throughout the tasks, he’d kept thinking about his wife.How can one person occupy so much space in another person’s thoughts?

He wasn’t certain she’d be receptive to him after he’d missed supper. She’d seemed pale and weary after the trip, too. He was afraid that she’d be too tired tonight and would refuse him her bed. He’d waited for far too long to keep himself in check, and that meant trouble no matter what happened this night. If she refused him, he’d be angry and irritable the whole day tomorrow. If she didn’t, he would probably ravage her like a starved beast.

His cock strained against his breeches just at the thought of her, and he ran his hand over it. He had to curb his lust. Sam was a gently bred lady; she would not appreciate his savage passions. He ran a hand over his cock again and squeezed it. It was probably a good idea to relieve himself before he went to her. He hadn’t had a woman in a long while, and even when he had, they were used to the rough treatment of soldiers. A gently bred lady like Sam, he assumed, needed a gentle hand.

John stroked his length and was about to unbutton his breeches when he heard a knock at the door. He jumped and before he could answer, the door opened, and his wife came into the room. She was wearing a pale blue gown with an indecently low bustline and bare shoulders. Her breasts peeked out from her bodice, leaving little to the imagination. It highlighted her tiny waist and accentuated her pretty golden eyes and her pale white skin. The gown was downright erotic. All right, maybe it wasn’t erotic, but in his current state, she might as well have been naked. His cock strained tighter against his breeches, and he prayed she wouldn’t look lower.

“May I speak with you?” she asked in a low sensual voice.

“Why aren’t you getting ready for bed?” John growled. His gaze lingered on her lush mouth before traveling lower to the swell of her breasts. He decided he wouldn’t allow her to wear this gown in public. It was too revealing.

“I wanted to speak to you first,” she said.


She cleared her throat. “Are you planning to come to my bed tonight?”

For a moment, John caught his breath. Was she about to ask him to wait? He would die before he let that happen.

“Why… Why are you asking me that?” he asked hoarsely.

“Yes or no?” She raised her eyebrow.

“Of course, I am planning to come to you. You are my wife,” he said, a little too harshly.

“Oh,” she said.

“Oh? That’s all?” he asked, half in outrage, half in disbelief.

“Well… Yes.” She paused, confused at his expression. “I just wanted to know, that’s all. You’ve been avoiding me for two days now, and even more before the wedding. I wondered if you… well, if maybe you didn’t want to…” Her voice trailed off, and she turned as red as a beetroot.

“Oh, I want to,” he growled and stalked closer to her. “I want to very much,” he said in a whisper. He came so close to her that his breath wafted across her face, fanning loose tendrils of her hair.

“You do?” she asked, breathlessly. “Well, good then.”

She nodded slightly and started to turn as if to leave.

“Sam,” he whispered, placing a hand on her arm. She looked up at him, her eyes wide and luminous. “As long as you’re already here.”

He grabbed her by her arms and crushed her body to his.

Her eyes widened, and her lips parted in surprise. Her heat, her scent, was driving him to the edge. He lowered his mouth and took hers in a hard, openmouthed kiss. Sam immediately went pliant in his arms. She was so warm, so lovely. His mouth slanted over hers, drinking her in, sucking on her lips. He couldn’t get enough of her.

Her arms came up behind his neck, and she grabbed on to him tightly, as if she would crumble to the floor if she let go. His hands roamed her body, starting from her sides, up her ribs, then down her back. One of his hands settled at the back of her nape. His thumb caressed her jaw, urging her lips to part. She opened her mouth on a moan, and he took advantage, thrusting his tongue in.

John groaned. She was warm, wet, and tasted like wine and sugar.

He took his mouth off her and stripped off his shirt. Sam stared at him with dazed eyes, not moving, just watching him, her breaths coming in frantic gasps. He slowly reached out and started unbuttoning her gown. Sam tentatively put her hands on his arms and traced them higher along his shoulders. John closed his eyes. Feeling her gentle caress on his skin was something he hadn’t even dreamed of. He lowered his mouth and traced his tongue down her neck, stopping to nip on her collarbone. Sam whimpered in frustration. Her bodice sagged the moment he finished with the buttons, then he spun her around and started working on her corset.

Sam ran her hands along her arms, as if from cold. “John?”
