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Chapter 16

Sam exited the carriage with the help of her husband and looked around. Ashbury Manor loomed before her. It seemed dark and unwelcoming, even abandoned. The lawn was overgrown with weeds; the house was covered in moss and trellis so much that Sam had trouble making out the windows. John offered his arm, and they both ventured inside.

The interior of the house wasn’t much better than the exterior. It was dark and dank, no doubt due to the greenery covering the windows. They stepped onto the stairs, and Sam took hold of the banister, but it shook under her fingers. She instantly let go and stared up at John. He didn’t seem to notice as he kept walking on, ignoring her stare. Apparently, when he’d said that the manor was crumbling, he wasn’t exaggerating.

Sam heard hurried steps and heavy breathing coming from above, and a moment later, a plump, middle-aged woman appeared before them.

“My Lord, My Lady.” She curtsied hastily, still breathing heavily.

“Mrs. Lawson, here you are,” John said as they climbed to the first-floor landing.

“My Lady wife, let me introduce Mrs. Lawson, the housekeeper. Mrs. Lawson, Lady Ashbury, your new mistress,” he added as the housekeeper curtsied.

“A pleasure.” Sam smiled at the woman.

“I’ve arranged your rooms,” the housekeeper said, still looking down.

“Good,” John said, “then if you don’t mind, please show my wife to her chambers.”

“My chambers?” Sam blinked up at John. Were they to occupy separate bedrooms here too? She knew it was a common practice for most husbands and wives of thetonto maintain separate bedchambers, but her parents had shared one bedroom and she’d hoped their marriage would be like theirs. Apparently not.

“Yes, I hope you will find them comfortable. I have some things to take care of in the meantime. I trust you’ll be all right by yourself?” John asked, already letting go of her arm.

Sam didn’t know what to answer to that. They’d just gotten there, and he was abandoning her already?

“Of course.” She smiled a wobbly smile, but he was already halfway down the stairs.Splendid.

She turned to Mrs. Lawson. “Please, lead the way.”

Mrs. Lawson showed her to a spacious bedroom, a mistress’s apartments. They were clean and orderly, although it seemed like the rooms hadn’t been occupied for decades. Sam stepped inside her room and looked around. The moldy scent was present in every corner of the room, the floors creaked, the furniture seemed old and neglected. However, it seemed like the room had been aired out and the draperies and sheets on the bed looked new. Well, at least that was good. She walked farther into the room, touching the furniture, running her finger against the walls.

She stepped into the dressing room. It was small, smaller even than the one in her rooms back at the Gage townhouse, but she’d make due. There was a door leading from her dressing room and she walked toward it to investigate where it led. She suspected that it was a connecting door to John’s chambers, and she wanted to see what his room was like. She came closer and rattled the door handle, but the door was locked.

Sam turned to Mrs. Lawson. “Where does this lead to?”

“The late master’s chambers, My Lady.”

“Late master’s? Where does his Lordship sleep then?”

“Down the corridor, My Lady.”

Sam frowned. “Is there something wrong with the master’s chambers?”

“Not that I know of, My Lady.” The woman seemed unsettled by all the questions, and Sam decided not to pursue the issue further. She’d have to ask her husband those questions. If she ever saw him, that was.

“Thank you, Mrs. Lawson. I am ready for the rest of the tour now,” she said with a smile.

The tour of the house proved to be very educational, albeit it filled Sam with dread. The west wing of the house was the worst of the two. It was drafty and even had holes in the walls and the roof in several places. Most rooms were empty, although some had old furniture covered by a dusty white cloth. The east wing was in slightly better condition, but it still lacked furniture, the carpets in the halls were moth-eaten, the rooms were cold, and the walls were bare.

The housekeeper explained that they had been ordered to ready the mistress’s chambers, dining room, and the library before their arrival, but the rest of the rooms were to be closed, awaiting their master.

“His Lordship was very clear that we are to decorate the house under your supervision, My Lady,” the housekeeper said. “But we’ll need more servants. The household staff currently consists of me, the butler Mr. Lawson, the cook Mrs. Everly, and her son, young Douglas, the stable boy. And we can’t do everything by ourselves in such a big house. We have two young maids and two footmen who come from the village every other day, but I expect you’ll want stay-in servants?”

Sam didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. She was expected to put this abominable place to rights? And suddenly John’s desperation to marry as soon as possible and whoever possible hit her hard. He hadn’t needed a wife; he’d needed a mistress for his estate. Sam just wished Isabel was there to tell her what to do.

She took a deep breath. “Certainly. Are there more people on the estate we can hire?”

“I am certain we can find a couple of good workers, My Lady. But the village is almost uninhabited. I doubt we can find enough to put this place to rights,” the housekeeper said.
