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Richard sighed deeply. It pained him to even think about the possibility of heirs with his new bride. If their first child turned out to be a son, Adam could be free to leave. But what if they had seven girls?

What if his wife was not amenable in the marriage bed?

Richard shuddered. Somehow, when he’d decided to get married, he’d thought ticking this duty off the to-do list would lighten his burden. But the weight on his shoulders was getting heavier and heavier until he was certain he would become a hunched old man one day soon.

He walked slowly and aimlessly around the corridor, not quite certain where he was going. He walked past the balcony, then quickly retraced his steps and stopped to gaze at the breathtaking view.

Josephine stood with her hands on the railings, her back arched, her face raised to the sky as she enjoyed the sunshine.

Richard grinned. He walked toward her quietly, making certain not to alert her to his presence, then propped his shoulder against the doorjamb and just watched her. His gaze slid up her swan-like neck that was bared to his gaze, that lovely face with an indulgent smile on her plump, cherry-red lips. Her eyes were closed, her lashes throwing shadows onto her blushing cheeks.


As if sensing his presence, she lowered her head and glanced toward him. “My lord.” A smile never left her lips.

“My dear.”

She pursed her lips to hold her laughter.

He grinned and stepped onto the balcony, looking around. “Are you alone?”

She watched him from beneath her lashes. “Not anymore.”

“Hm… We haven’t had a chance to spend any time alone together for a few days now. I feel like you are avoiding me.”

“And why would I do that?” Her voice was breathless.

“Perhaps you are frightened of the hot blazing passion between us? Afraid it will burn all your inhibitions to the ground.”

She chuckled. “You have a mighty high opinion of yourself, my lord. I do not believe you cause such intense feelings in me.”

“I don’t?” He touched his finger to the naked skin of her arm between her glove and her sleeve and her lips eased open, her gaze darkening in passion. Her pulse quickened at the base of the neck, proclaiming her a liar.

“Perhaps you’re wrong,” she said as her gaze fell to his lips. “Maybe I just don’t like you.”

He grinned, his gaze sweeping her from her ample bosom to the curls in her hair. Her breathing accelerated even more. “No, I don’t think that’s it,” he said in a half-whisper. “But perhaps I should try harder.”

He lowered his head and caught her lips in a fleeting kiss. The moment he let go, she grabbed his face between her hands and gave him a demanding, scorching kiss. Richard smiled before taking her by the hips and bringing her closer as he slanted his mouth over hers hungrily.

God, he’d missed her taste. How had he survived without it for two days? He felt like an animal, thirsty after a severe drought. He slipped his tongue inside, and she sucked on it eagerly. His arms traveled to her waist, and he bent her lightly, his mouth traveling to her chin, her neck.

There was a clearing of a throat, and Jo jumped away from him as if scalded. Richard threw a menacing gaze toward the door, only to see his sister, Isabel, standing on the threshold. Richard’s mood went from anger to annoyance. Must she meddle so?

“Jo,” she said with a tight smile toward her brother. “We were just going to have some tea with the ladies. Would you join us?”

Jo wiped discreetly at her mouth, her lips plump and swollen. Soft and wet. Richard just wanted to devour her whole.

“Yes, thank you,” she said as she threw a timid glance Richard’s way. Then walked past him and out of the balcony without a backward glance.
