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Chapter 11

“You disapprove of my relations with the viscount,” Jo said after she and Isabel walked most of the way in silence.

Isabel threw her a reassuring smile. “It’s not why you think. I would disapprove of any of my brothers’ relations with women whom they do not intend to marry.”

Jo smiled. “But I am aware of his intentions. He did not lie to me or deceive me. I am a grown adult, and I think I should be able to make my own decisions.”

Lady Vane paused her steps. “You do. But your affair with my brother will be fleeting. And once it is over, I cannot see you amicably continuing your association with either of us. I like you, Jo. And my daughter does, too. I would rather not see you hurt. And I would rather my brother’s thoughtless actions didn’t cost me a friend.”

Jo wanted to protest that it wouldn’t happen, that she wouldn’t get hurt. But she wasn’t so certain anymore. Perhaps Lady Vane was right, and Jo would do better to guard her heart.

They reached the marchioness’s sitting room and joined the few people already there. As expected, Lady Ashbury and the duchess were already there, sharing confidences and laughing. “You did not say that!” The duchess hit her friend playfully on the arm.

“I did. And if he thinks that he can restrict me from visiting my friend whenever I want to, he shall hear a lot more!”

“Who? Ashbury?” Lady Vane asked as she settled in the circle of chairs.

“Yes,” Lady Ashbury said, still laughing.

“Well, don’t tell Richard. Or he’ll think that your husband is keeping you prisoner,” Lady Vane said, and Lady Ashbury fell into heaps of laughter. “Do not mock my words. He thought Milly tried to kill me when she accidentally sicced Button on me.”

All the ladies laughed again.

“Is he so protective, then?” Jo couldn’t help asking.

“Overprotective,” Lady Vane stated emphatically.

“And overbearing,” Lady Ashbury confirmed.

“Overmeddling,” the Duchess of Somerset added with a chuckle.

“Just add over to any adjective and that’s Richard,” Lady Vane said with a laugh.

Jo chuckled. She enjoyed their teasing. It was clear how much everyone in this family cared for each other. Including the duchess who was an honorary member of the Lewis family.

Sometimes Jo wished she had a family of her own… She shook away the thought. Not in this lifetime.

“Needless to say, Iamgoing to Mary’s birthday celebration,” Lady Ashbury said.

“That’s wonderful! Gabriel knows better than to refuse me anything,” the duchess chimed in. She stroked her slightly rounded stomach. “Although travel was never a strength of mine and less so now. But I am not missing Mary’s birthday. And I want to see the progress they’ve made at the asylum. I haven’t been there in a while… Since Grandpa passed, actually.”

“Oh, Josephine! You absolutely should come!” Lady Vane turned toward her.

“Absolutely!” the duchess chimed in. “And perform one of your plays. But one with a happy ending, Mary doesn’t like tragedies.”

“I would love to, but I don’t think I was invited,” Jo said on a chuckle.

Lady Ashbury waved a dismissive hand. “They don’t invite many people. Only a select few. But I can assure you, you shall be more than welcome.”

“Yes, I shall pen a letter to Julie after tea. She is my cousin. The Countess of Clydesdale,” the duchess explained. “And she would love to have you there. Except, perhaps be selective of the people from your theater company that you take with you. Selena must come, of course. Where is she, by the way?”

Selena and a few other ladies had left horse riding a few hours ago. Jo thought that fresh air would do Selena good after being cooped up in the house the past two days.

Jo had intended to comfort her friend and indulge in fun activities, but her courses had started two days ago, and as a result, she’d been dull company. Perhaps, quiet days inside the house were what Selena had needed as she mended her broken heart. But on the third day, she grew restless and decided to venture out horse riding.

Jo would have joined her gladly. And even though the courses didn’t pain her anymore, it wasn’t a good idea to go riding. So she stayed behind.

Jo opened her mouth to answer the question without too much detail but was interrupted as the butler appeared on the doorstep and knocked discreetly. “Pardon the interruption.” He bowed. “There’s an urgent missive for Your Grace.”
