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Her heart squeezed and bled a little, wishing for time to speed up to a moment when it didn’t hurt so.

She looked at the solitary moon, partially covered by a fluffy cloud that was outlined with a silver glow.

Would she ever look at a cloud without thinking of him? She squeezed her eyes shut, willing the thoughts away.

The house party would be over in a few days, and she would go back to her normal life and all those feelings that Richard had awakened within her would just… fall back to sleep.

* * *

Richard hadn’t talked to Jo for over two days.

She didn’t leave the house party as he’d expected—as he’d hoped. Instead, she turned her attention toward flirting with every other man in the vicinity with renewed vigor.

And it would’ve been one thing if she’d ignored Richard, or cut him, showing him her ire, but she hadn’t. She simply smiled politely every time she saw him then turned toward the person who interested her more at that particular moment.

It was as if she hadn’t cared about him at all.

Richard realized how hypocritical he was being. He’d told her that he had no feelings toward her, and yet he’d expected her to walk around with her heart on her sleeve.

No. His little actress had more pride than that. That was one of the reasons she enchanted him so. She was stubborn, she was strong, and she didn’t take orders from anyone. Even a viscount.

But as much as he loved her rebellious spirit, he was also annoyed at her for staying until the end of the house party.

His annoyance didn’t have anything to do with her, per se. But everything to do with him. Because today was the closing ball of the house party. Which meant that today was the day he was going to announce his betrothal to another woman.

And as much as he tried to tell himself that he had to, his heart just pulled back and screamed at him not to. And seeing Jo’s eyes as he made the announcement would probably kill him on the spot.

It would be easier if she’d left the party earlier. It’d be easier if he didn’t have to see her vulnerable eyes as he made the announcement.

It would be easier if he’d just been upfront with her from the start.

Well, it was too late for that.

There was nothing he could do about it now.

Is there?

“Thank you,” he said to his valet as he finished tying his cravat.

Richard peered into the looking glass. He was dressed perfectly in all black save for the blue waistcoat, crisp white shirtsleeves, and the cravat.

His hair was swept back with the aid of a pomade. He looked perfectly respectable and ready to announce his betrothal during the biggest ball of the house party.

What his reflection didn’t show was that his stomach was tied in knots. His hands perspired beneath his gloves, and his heart thumped rapidly against his ribcage as if trying to escape.

Or was it urginghimto escape?

To leave this place, get Jo, and just never return.

He took a deep breath. The time for foolish thoughts was over. It was now time to go and announce his betrothal.

Richard stepped out of the room and slowly made his way to the ballroom. He tugged on his cravat, for the room was suffocating. Or perhaps it wasn’t the room that was the problem but Richard himself.

He stood in the crowded ballroom, his gaze unfocused, the noise of conversation buzzing around him. And yet he didn’t see or hear anything. It was as if he was surrounded by fog.

Isabel sidled closer to him, pushing him out of the haze. She stared into the crowd as she spoke. “Are you certain you want to go through with it?”

Richard cleared his throat. “It’s not as if I have a choice. The papers have been signed.”
