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“I did not.” Abena sprung up from behind the bed, and the moment she did, Hathor jumped right back into the room.

“I knew you came in here!”

Abena made a dash for it, nearly throwing Hathor to the ground. “You are older. You are supposed to forgive me!”

“You are supposed to be remorseful! And not touch my things!” Hathor called out as she chased after her.

“My lady, your dress?” Eleanor, who was quite used to our morning chaos, asked.

“May I choose?” Devana requested.


Devana giggled and got off the bed to look at the dresses along with my coats.

“Green!” She pointed and turned to me. She nearly always chose green since it was her favorite color.

“Green it is then,” I replied, sitting up before my mama entered to admonish me for something. Eleanor brought me a basin, and when I had cleaned my face, I looked into the mirror, staring at my brown eyes.

“Odite, you have flowers!” Abena ran back to report. “I think they came from a suitor.”

“I knew it,” Hathor grumbled, pushing Abena out of the way so she could walk into my dressing room and throw herself upon the longue. “Are you happy now? All the gifts this morning are for you. You even have the queen’s favor.”

“Favor?” I asked as I toweled my face. “What favor?”

Hathor scoffed. “Do not pretend to be ignorant. That makes it worse. Last night she spoke to you, of all the ladies there. She directed the rest of the evening to accommodate you. You!” She huffed and crossed her arms. “I swear, one would think you were her daughter.”

“You exaggerate, but if you wish to stay here and complain, allowing me time to ready myself instead of you, that is fine byme.”

Her eyes widened and she took off running again, calling to her maid, “I need my hair done first!”

Part of me missed the quiet mornings I had primarily to myself in Monthermer. Though as I watched Abena and Devana look over my dresses, I also considered how nice it was to be near them again.

“Abena, Devana, you must hurry and get ready, or Mother will have pots for you,” I said.

Their eyes widened, and they took off.

“These are for you, my lady. Your mother asked that we bring them up.” Two maids held an arrangement each—one was of white tulips with red stripes, while the other was a large bouquet of roses.

I walked to the tulips, lifting them from her hands with a smile. “These are so beautiful. Who sent them?”

“His Grace, Lord Evander Eagleman, the fourth Duke of Everely.” My mama entered with a grin. “And the roses are from the Honorable Tristian Yves, Lord Wyndham’s son. It seems you have made your choice.”

“Mama, may I not simply admire a flower?” I said, quickly handing them back to the maid.

“You may. I am merely noting which flower you chose.” Shewas not merely doing anything. “It seems Evander remembers the way to gain your attention—to present that which is unordinary.”

“You make me sound rather odd.”

“You are odd, child.” She huffed, looking at me. “I blame your father and his books.”

“You always blame Father when we do not behave to your liking.”

“Then behave to my liking! Today at the park, you will promenade with Evander.”

“I will not!”

“Why? He has clearly shown interest.”
