Page 107 of Before I Do

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Two Weeks After I Didn’t

To:[email protected]

From:[email protected]

Subject: An apology

Dear Audrey,

Sorry for jumping into your inbox. I know you probably don’t want to hear from me. I managed to track down your email address from Miranda, but I promise I won’t contact you again, unless you ask me to.

Firstly, I’m sorry everything got so heated at the wedding. You made your choice and I respect that. I strongly believe in fate guiding us to what we need, and I couldn’t believe fate hadn’t led me to that wedding for you, but clearly, I misread the signs.

I told you about my Museum of Obsolescence, the objects I collect with no use in the modern day. Their time has passed, and they are now a part of history. Perhaps the people we were in that photo booth now belong in my museum.

I recently learned that Millward Hall sits on two converging ley lines. There’s a concentration of ancient, primordial energy there – which might explain why things got so intense. I don’t know if you believe in these things, but I do.

On the way home from Somerset, I got off the train at Bridgwater; I just sensed that I should. I walked cross country, all the way to the Glastonbury stone circle. There is so much energy around those stones, it was like being in a vortex. It’s hard to explain if you haven’t experienced it.

Why am I telling you all this? Well, I remember you telling me about multiverse theory when we met – how, if there is an infinite number of universes, then there is an infinite number of ways our lives will have played out. Somewhere out there, every life you might have led will be happening. When I was lying down in the middle of the stone circle, I had this vision, of another world, where we didn’t lose each other’s numbers, where I didn’t get knocked off my bike, where Photo Booth Boy and Photo Booth Girl were both at Baker Street to meet each other that Sunday six years ago. It was so clear, Audrey, this glimpse. I just wanted you to know that alternate us, we were happy. You were a vet and made mini ceramic dogs in your free time, if that detail is of any interest.

So, no regrets about this reality, have a great life, and maybe I’ll catch you in the next one.

All my positive cosmic energy,


To:[email protected]

From:[email protected]

Subject: Re: An apology

Dear Fred,

Thanks for your email, and for your apology, I appreciate it. I don’t think I am Photo Booth Girl anymore, but if she’s happy somewhere, then I’m glad. For me, I think maybe that initial spark, that first meeting, could be written in the stars, but it is only the first page – the rest of the story we have to write for ourselves.

Best wishes and goodbye,



Did you know there’s a video of you on TikTok, down on one knee, singing some terrible song to Josh?!? Search #proposalfails


Oh no, bloody Keeley! How do I take it down?


Er you can’t. It’s gone viral. People are doing electro remixes of your song (attached). ‘Josh, Josh, forgive her, Josh, Josh’, is now a meme. Jay says to tell you that singing is definitely not your calling. I think it’s sweet. Where did you get the glitter cannon?


Having the strangest day. People keep singing this weird song at me.


Someone just sent me the video ?


I was going to tell you about that... ? Didn’t you say all the great love stories end in a dance routine?
