Page 59 of Before I Do

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‘I do, generally. It doesn’t mean I don’t want to kiss you tonight.’

He frowned. ‘So, I’m just tonight’s entertainment, am I?’

‘No,’ Audrey said, leaning in to kiss him again, but he leant back.

‘Audrey, I don’t want to do this, not like this.’

‘It doesn’t feel like you don’t want to do this,’ she said, arching an eyebrow at him.

He smiled kindly. ‘Of course I want to, you’re insanely beautiful, and funny, and an infuriating enigma. I just... I don’t want to be one of your drunken flings.’

Audrey blanched. ‘Because I do this all the time?’

‘No. I don’t know.’ He raked a hand through his hair, looking up to the sky, searching for the words. ‘I like you, I really like you. I want to take you out on a proper date. As much as it pains me to stop this, I don’t want this to be an end-of-night kiss that you regret or don’t remember in the morning.’

‘I’m not that drunk! Jesus!’ Audrey rolled her eyes. ‘It’s a wedding, I’ve had a few glasses of wine.’ She knew she’d had a few more than that. She pushed his hand away from her waist, embarrassed. Turning to leave, she felt her cheeks burn red with shame. ‘Whatever, Josh, maybe I just wanted to kiss someone tonight. It doesn’t have to be you.’

He reached out to stop her and pulled her back towards him, his face inches from hers as he said softly, ‘I’m sorry you feel that way, Amy, because for me, it does have to be you. I moved the whole table’s seating cards around so I could sit next to you. I have thought about kissing you, a lot, and I definitely want to kiss you again, but I’d prefer you to be able to stand up straight when I do. I want you to remember every second, like I know I will.’

She staggered backwards slightly, which wasn’t helping her cause. She felt admonished, but also that there might be something quite romantic in what he was saying.

‘So, you’ll give me your number and I’ll call you tomorrow, and I’ll ask you out properly,’ he said calmly. ‘I’m hoping you will say yes.’

He stayed where he was, his face inches from hers. How was he showing this level of self-control? She averted her gaze, she wanted to kiss him again so badly. His lips felt so good, his neck smelled so wonderful. She was not used to this, to a man saying no.

‘Have it your way, but I might have lost interest by tomorrow,’ she said, steadying herself, and then letting him take her arm to guide her back to the marquee.

‘What if I promise to plant you another tree?’ he asked quietly.

‘Well, then we’ll see,’ she said, dropping her head onto his shoulder. ‘But it has to be a good tree, not a crappy, spindly one that all the other trees pick on, or one that’s got tree disease or something.’

Josh pulled out a pretend notepad and mimed writing, ‘Take back crappy spindly tree with tree disease.’

Inside, Audrey ordered a soft drink at the bar. Josh picked up a paper drinks parasol and put it into her glass. She responded by taking another one, opening it and tucking it behind his ear. It was a silly thing to do, and they both laughed. The wedding photographer captured the moment. It was the first photo taken of the two of them together. It would be Audrey’s favourite.

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