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Harriet stopped in the corridor outside and leaned against the wall. Of course, the servants had refreshments well in hand. There was no need to ask. She’d just found it too unsettling, sitting there with her rogue earl and her mother and her old friends. She had different ways of speaking to each of them, and she didn’t know how to match these up. Time was running out. She had to break off this forced engagement. But she couldn’t make herself do it. So she stood there and eavesdropped, well aware she should not.

“The two countries have many things in common and others that are different,” said Ferrington.

He sounded uncharacteristically stiff.

“Can you be more specific?” asked Sarah.

“Harriet said the Terefords are staying with you,” Charlotte put in.


“It was the duke who found you, I understand.” Charlotte was in full interrogation mode.

“He did, er, track me down.” Before she could go on, he added, “He lent me this coat as well. They are determined to make me fashionable.”

“Are you interested in fashion?” asked Charlotte.

“No, are you?”

“Is that a comment on my attire, Lord Ferrington?”

“It is simply the same question you asked me.”

Leaning against the corridor wall, Harriet admired his spirit. People could be offended or intimidated by Charlotte. He was obviously neither.

“Well then, I find fashion tedious and shallow,” Charlotte answered.

“There we can agree, Miss Deeping.”

“You see,” said Harriet’s mother. She sounded both relieved and uncertain.

“One large difference between here and Boston is my friends,” said Ferrington. “I miss them.”

“Oh, you do have friends?”

“Of course he does, Charlotte,” said Mama. “Don’t be silly.”

“A good number, though only a few really close ones.”

“That’s the way, isn’t it?” said Sarah.

“My business partner and some other mates.”

“Are you in business?” asked Charlotte.

“What is the matter with you?” said Harriet’s mother.

“I am a partner in a shipping concern. Andthatis one of the differences between England and America, it seems. There, one is not despised for such activities.”

“You think you are here?”

“Lady Wilton assured me I would be. She warned me never to mention it.”

“Oh, Lady Wilton,” replied Charlotte dismissively.

“If she didn’t want you to make your own way, she shouldn’t have thrown your father out,” said Harriet’s mother, with the fire this topic always inspired in her.

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