Page 61 of A Rogue to Remember

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Before Lottie could object, he stood and returned the pitcher to its resting place. Then he came to the foot of the bed, hands clenched in fists by his side while his hazel eyes burned hotly in the moonlit room. For one agonizing moment Lottie thought he would announce his intention to sleep elsewhere, but then he laid down behind her and pulled her against his chest. Lottie let out a breath as he enveloped her in his powerful arms and sleep began to overtake her. For so long she had ached to be held like this—held byhim.

I wanted it to be you.

It had been a relief to speak the truth, even if she hadn’t been quite bold enough to say the rest:It’s onlyeverbeen you.

But she would. Soon.

Lottie fell asleep almost instantly and woke hours later in the exact same position as dawn began to break. She could not remember the last time she had slept so soundly.

She smiled and leaned back, loving the heat of his embrace and the feel of her skin against his. His arms tightened around her automatically, as if even in sleep he couldn’t bear to let her go. She could have happily wiled away several more hours just like that, but after a few minutes an urge of a different sort called to her. One that could not be ignored. Lottie gently extricated herself from Alec’s hold and picked up her crumpled chemise. She pulled it over her head and crept from the room, closing the door quietly behind her.

After making use of the washroom, Lottie stepped out onto the small balcony off the parlor with the intention of watching the sun rise. The air was already rich with the mossy smell of the lagoon, but even the pungent aroma couldn’t wipe the smile from her face. She would savor every second of this day. This new beginning. She hadn’t even felt like this after arriving in the village. But then, that had been an escape. This was a start.

Lottie spent the next few minutes happily imagining their idyllic future, until the distinct sound of a key scraping into the lock of the flat’s door cut through her reverie. She turned around just as the door eased open to reveal Rafe Davies. Their eyes met across the room, and for a very brief moment Lottie swore his brow tensed. She stepped back into the parlor as he sauntered over, dressed in an evening suit and looking as crisp as he had the previous day.

“Well, good morning.” Rafe gave her a sly smile, as if he knew some delicious secret about her. Lottie nearly strained her neck looking up at him. The man had to be over six feet tall. He was more broad shouldered than Alec but leaner limbed, with straight brown hair perfectly combed.

“It’s a bit early for visitors.”

He let out a soft laugh and his dark gaze roamed over her figure.

Goodness, she was standing there in nothing but her chemise. Lottie blushed and folded her arms across the gauzy fabric at her décolletage, though it didn’t do much.

Rafe’s smile grew. “How was your evening?” His voice was deeper than Alec’s, and goose bumps broke out across her arms at the silky tone. “Did you enjoy the signore’s party?”

The teasing note on the last word made it clear he knew very well what sort of things happened at the villa.

“We left early.” Lottie lifted her chin a little higher. “I take it your evening is just ending?”

Rafe’s smile vanished. “Aren’t you observant.” He stepped closer until the toes of his polished shoes nearly touched her slippers. Then he leaned over and murmured by her ear. “I heard that our mutual friend did not complete his task, as he was distracted all evening by hiscousin.” Lottie’s head pulled back. Rafe was spying on Alec? “You will leave. Today.”

She met his thunderous glare head-on. “That isn’t your decision.”

“It isn’t yours, either,” he growled, and his lip curved in a sneer. “Alec can have his fun. We all do. But it will not affect the work.”

“And whatisthe work, exactly?”

He let out a sharp laugh and looked at her with renewed interest. “I like your spirit. No wonder Alec was compelled to give up his monkish habits.” Rafe leaned down until his warm breath tickled her throat. “However, my means are far greater than his. You are a woman of business, no? Whatever he is paying you, I’ll double it.”

Lottie was so mortified by his offer that she couldn’t speak. But Rafe seemed to take her silence as consideration and moved even closer. She instinctively jerked away and slapped him soundly across the face. They both froze, and her eyes went wide with shock. She hadneverslapped anyone before. As Rafe slowly turned back to her, Lottie steeled herself to meet his outrage. But he merely cocked his head. “Whoareyou?”

She tried to push past him, but Rafe blocked her way and crowded her against the wall. “Answer me, dammit. Who do you work for? What do you want with him?” All traces of irreverence had vanished. This was a man not to be trifled with. He pressed his palms on either side of her body. They did not touch, but he effectively caged her in.

Rather than give him an answer, Lottie turned her head.

Rafe let out a growl of irritation. “I’ve a strict policy of not harming women,” he said through gritted teeth. “But if you’ve put Alec in danger, I may be forced to make an exception.”

Lottie met his dark brown eyes. He was deadly serious. “He’s not in danger,” she choked out as her heart pounded. “And I don’tworkfor anyone.”

Rafe’s glare deepened. “Then I’ll ask again: Who are you?” Somehow his calm tone was even more unsettling than his anger; the promise in his words spoke of things she had no wish to experience. But she couldn’t. Alec had told her not to tell anyone, and this man already admitted tospyingon him—

“I should warn you that I’m not known for my patience,” he growled. “Out with it.”

“I’m a friend,” she gasped. “I’ve known him for years.”

Rafe pulled back a little and eyed her. “Prove it.”

Lottie blinked. “How?”
