Page 76 of A Rogue to Remember

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Uncle Alfred turned to her then. She was furious with him, but the shock in his face still pained her. “I did. You’re right.” Then he looked away again. An old man now paying for his sins.

“What really happened that morning after my ball?”

“I knew,” he began, still not meeting her eyes. “I knew as soon as he showed his face. I thought I had more time. That you would forget all about him during the season. How could you not? He had no money. No family. No real prospects.”

“That’s not true,” Lottie cut in.

That old familiar fire blazed in his eyes. “Was I supposed to stand aside and let you become aprofessor’swife?”

“Yes,” she whispered, but he had already turned away again.

“He came to see you the next morning, and he was so determined. So certain. Just like his father had been, the fool. But this was different. Even if I hadn’t needed his service, you weren’t the contessa. You still had everything to lose. How could I live with myself if I let you marry him, when I alone knew the truth of what he was? So I used what I had. He asked for my consent, and I refused. When he asked why, I told him.”

“Was that all?” Her voice wobbled.

He gave her a look. Of course it wasn’t. “I may also have intimated that if my wishes were not observed, word would get out about his parents, abouthim. The scandal would ruin you both and you would come to resent him for it.”

Lottie’s throat tightened. “Oh, Uncle Alfred…”

“He could have fought me on it, Lottie. If he had truly wanted you, he would have found a way.”

Lottie blinked in disbelief. “How?You threatened to expose him. To ruin his father’s legacy. Don’t you see? You had all the power and Alec had none.”

Uncle Alfred stubbornly shook his head. “Love means stopping at nothing. But his mother gave up. So did his father. And so did Alec.”

Lottie stood. “You don’t know anything aboutlove. All you’ve ever known is war. But love…love is sacrifice. Love is putting someone else above your ownwants. Alec’s mother understood that.”

Uncle Alfred made no response, lost in his memories once again.

“I must tell him. He must know the truth.” A panicked feeling suddenly came over her. “Then he might—he might—”

Come here. For me.

Uncle Alfred swung his head toward her. He seemed to read her thoughts. “No.” He reached over and rang a small bell. “The vicar is coming this afternoon.”


“I need to know you are taken care of. And after Italy, I can’t trust your judgment.” Uncle Alfred’s tone was flat and cold. “I had hoped for someone with a better pedigree, but I’ve run out of time. And Mr. Wetherby has assured me he will do right by you. I’ll make sure you have a small allowance for the duration of your life, but I intend to leave everything else to him.”

At that moment, the would-be groom entered the room accompanied by a large, imposing man Lottie had never seen before. There were laws designed to protect the rights of married women, but Lottie was more interested in avoiding the institution entirely. If it came at the expense of her fortune, so be it.

She looked between them and backed away. “You cannot make me marry him. And especially not when I love someone else!”

Uncle Alfred let out a sigh. “Have you no self-respect, girl? Alec has made his choice. If he wanted you, you wouldn’t be here.”

“But he didn’tknow. He never would have agreed to this.”

Mr. Wetherby decided to cut in. “He was informed of these plans,” he said dryly. “He knew what would happen upon your return.”

Lottie turned to him with wild eyes. “You’relying.”

Mr. Wetherby raised his brows, startled by her outburst, but did not answer. Instead, he looked helplessly at Uncle Alfred.

“Now, Lottie. No need for such dramatics.” It was the smooth tone he had used all through her childhood.You are being a silly, willful girl.“Think of it as a sacrifice, if it helps. I know it helped his mother.”

The large man advanced on her and dragged her from the room. A cry rose in her throat. There was no way out of this. And, whether he knew or not, Alec had led her here. Her panic increased to a fever pitch, and she didn’t notice the cloth in his hand until it was placed over her nose as she gasped for breath. Mr. Wetherby caught her shoulders as she began to crumple to the floor.

Lottie came round on her bed as Mr. Wetherby waved a vial under her nose. The feel of his arm around her shoulders made the bile again rise in her throat. She shoved him away.

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