Page 77 of A Rogue to Remember

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“What did he give me?”

Mr. Wetherby tried to mask his graceless stumble by straightening his jacket. “A mild anesthetic to calm you. How do you feel?”

Lottie shot him a glare. “Like I was drugged.”

“I’m sorry you found out like this,” he said with a decent amount of guilt. “I wanted to tell you last night.”

“As if that would have been any better.” She turned away from him. “Leave me alone.”

“If that is what you want,” he said and moved toward the door.

The words filled her with anger.Nothingabout this was what she wanted. Lottie bolted from the bed. “Have you no shame, sir?”

He faced her fully. “I certainly don’t wish to force you, Miss Carlisle. But it is a well-known fact that women are not capable of making logically sound decisions, especially when it comes to marriage.”

“That is hardly a fact based onscience.”

He looked quite put upon. “I don’t mean to insult you. Or your intelligence, of which I have the utmost respect.” Lottie let out a sizable snort, which he ignored. “But your actions have been thoroughly reckless as of late. If nothing else, think of your fortune—”

“Yes, I’m sure that is ofgreatconcern to you,” she snapped.

A flush crested his cheeks, but his eyes remained hard. “My father was bankrupt when I was a boy, you know. Being poor is a tedious business. I intend to avoid it at all costs. And I’ve three younger sisters who, unlike you, pray for the safety of marriage.”

Lottie’s chest pinched with guilt. All her life she had enjoyed a certain amount of freedom others would die for. Yet she saw only barriers, not the walls that shielded her from the worst consequences of her own behavior. And all thanks to a fortune she had done nothing to earn. “Let me sponsor them, then. If you give up this plan now, I will finance a season for each one.”

He uttered a dark laugh. “What good would that do from a ruined woman? If you are so moved to help them, you would do much better as their sister-in-law.”

Lottie crossed her arms. “It won’t matter anyway. No clergyman in the world would agree to this!”

“You’re right,” he said coolly. “That means you have a choice to make.”

The certainty in his voice set her even more on edge. “Whatchoice?”

“You can marry me, or you can be institutionalized.”

Lottie’s mouth dropped open. “You wouldn’t.”

“There are many women who have done far less than you—and paid for it for the rest of their lives.”

Lottie couldn’t hold back her shudder. He was only trying to scare her. “Uncle Alfred would never agree to that.” Maybe in his most desperate moment he would have considered such a threat, but certainly not now. She would rather take that chance than willingly submit to this man for the rest of her life.

Mr. Wetherby took a step closer. His blue eyes practically glowed with malice. “I can persuade him. Believe me. And I know my aunt would be happy to testify to your reprehensible behavior.”

“Not if I ended up in anasylum!”

His eyes narrowed. “Are you willing to test that theory?”

Lottie was silent as her heart pounded in her ears.

Mr. Wetherby shook his head. “You are not seeing things clearly right now. But I will promise to be a good, honorable husband. And that is more than most men would do for you.”

Lottie swallowed. “What of my love?”

Mr. Wetherby scowled at the word. “I have never been a sentimental man, Miss Carlisle. I understand that you have an…attachment to Mr. Gresham because of your shared past. But it will fade in time. Especially given that he hasn’t returned the sentiment.”

Lottie flinched. “You may be right about that.” When he appeared to relax a little, she continued, “But you must also recognize that the human heart is not ruled by logic alone. Even if my feelings for him are based on the past more than the present, even if they are notmutual, they are feelings all the same. And, I must tell you, I acted on them. We both did.”

Mr. Wetherby watched her. “I see.”
