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He held her eyes for another moment. His really were a remarkable shade of green.

“Miss Sparrow.”

Rafe’s commanding voice cut through the air. Sylvia turned around and blinked as he swiftly approached them. What was he doing here? Rafe shot an impressive glare at Brodie, who touched the brim of his cap to her and slunk away without another word. Sylvia discreetly folded the knife and put it in the pocket of her skirt as Rafe came beside her, but his eyes were still fixed on Brodie, and he made no effort to hide his disapproval.

“That was unnecessary.”

Rafe finally looked down at her. “Do you always engage in such deep conversation with the help?”

Sylvia stiffened. How long had he been watching them? “You forget, sir, thatIam the help. Don’t be a snob. He’s a person.”

The suspicion in his eyes softened to chagrin. “You’re right. I apologize. But still, you don’t know anything about that man.”

Sylvia tilted her head. “Are you suggesting I have something to fear from thegardener?”

“He’s a man. You’re a woman alone. That is enough,” Rafe insisted.

Indignation began to flare within her, but the concern in his tone gave her pause. Sylvia reached out and placed her hand on his arm. “I’m fine. Truly. I’m not that naive.”

Rafe glanced at her hand, then back to her face. The moment stretched between them as heat filled his dark eyes. Sylvia was all too aware that nowtheywere quite alone. In another instant, he tugged her along with him until they were behind the stables, in a spot hidden from view by more shrubs. Sylvia’s heart pounded in her chest as Rafe gently pressed her back to the cool brick of the stable’s outer wall and placed one large palm against the curve of her waist, while his other hand brushed a fallen curl behind her ear. The now familiar smell of his aftershave tickled her nose, and she inhaled deeply.

“I know you aren’t.” He sighed. “But I…I don’t trust anyone around you.” The admission appeared to surprise him as much as her.

Sylvia pressed her hand over his. If only he weren’t wearing gloves. “That’s absurd.”

“Yes.” Rafe nodded. His eyes then dipped to her mouth and glazed over. “It is.”

How on earth had she captured this worldly man’s attention? Sylvia truly didn’t understand what he saw in her, but that wouldn’t stop her from enjoying it.

Rafe slowly leaned down, and Sylvia, impatient, rose onto her toes. This brought a smirk to his lips, which immediately dissolved into a flurry of sparks as their mouths touched. He grunted softly as his arm snaked around her waist, drawing her up against his hard chest, while his other hand tangled in her hair.

He continued to surprise her. He felt nothing like an experienced lover used to quick trysts in shadowy corners. While Sylvia was all urgency, Rafe kissed her as if they had all the time in the world. As if the threat of discovery didn’t hang over their heads. He kissed her like a man who planned to do this forever. His lips were warm and gentle as they gradually teased her mouth open and forced her to slow down, to enjoy the growing heat between them. When he tugged her bottom lip open with the pressure of his tongue, Sylvia couldn’t hold back a soft moan and pressed harder against him. It was as if this man was composed entirely of features designed to make her melt. She had never been so fully engulfed by desire before. And in that moment she would have given him everything. Gladly. Rafe seemed able to read her thoughts.

“God, Sylvia,” he gasped, breaking the kiss. Her heart warmed as he pressed his forehead to hers, running his large palms along her torso. “Sylvia Sparrow. My little bird.”

Sylvia’s breath caught at the endearment. This was too much, too soon. And yet it didn’t feel that way at all. She had ignored so many things with Bernard. But as she gazed into Rafe’s eyes, she saw no flash of wariness. No sign of reticence. Of coming regret.

That will come later, once he knows the truth.

But before she could dismiss the nasty thought, Rafe abruptly cleared his throat and pulled back. He stooped down and began picking up the pins that had fallen out of her hair. Sylvia slouched against the wall, still trying to catch her breath. He then stood up and held out his palm. Sylvia glanced at it before meeting his eyes.

“I suppose this sort of thing is expected at house parties,” she said reluctantly, giving him the opportunity to dismiss this. And her.

“I suppose it is.” Rafe held her gaze. “But not for me. Never like this.”

Sylvia closed her eyes against the force behind the words. Even though she very much wanted to interrogate him on what, exactly, “this” meant to him, his certainty only increased her guilt.

“I know what you must be thinking,” he continued, his voice taking on a surprisingly bitter tenor. “My reputation has no doubt preceded me. I can’t change that. But if I—”

“You don’t know anything about me,” she interrupted, unable to hide her rising anxiety as the visceral ache of regret surged through her. She couldn’t let him think her reticence was his fault.

He paused and tilted his head in consideration. “Then tell me what I need to know.”

“I’m not—I’m not what you think I am.”

Rafe studied her for a moment. “I think you’re a lovely and intelligent young woman who has worked very hard to be where she is. What about that isn’t true?”

Sylvia looked down. How badly she wished that was all she was. “There are things about my past that would make anything between us difficult—no.Impossible.” She forced her head up to meet his gaze head-on.
