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Georgiana had to force herself out of bed, wishing for all the world she hadn’t promised to breakfast with Sylvia. Once again she had slept in shallow, fitful bursts, as her mind was filled with thoughts of the captain—sherefusedto think of him as Henry outside her encounters. Every time she began to drift off, she would recall another tantalizing detail and the strange mix of desire and bashfulness that followed would jerk her awake. Now she felt wrung out, like a piece of heavily laundered washing.

As she readied herself for the day (with Bea fretting yet again over her increasingly pale visage) she worried that there might be some awkwardness with Captain Harris, especially given her abrupt exit last night. But she didn’t have much time to ruminate on the possibilities before she found him sitting in the suite’s parlor. At her entrance, he stood and gave her a perfectly polite smile just a touch friendlier than usual.

“Good morning, Lady Arlington.”

Her body coiled even tighter at his deep voice. It appeared that he, too, was limiting first names to the bedroom. And yet, somehow, the man still managed to make her courtesy title sound incredibly wanton.

“Yes. Hello.”

“You’re having breakfast with Mrs. Davies?”

Georgiana nodded and forced herself to move across the room toward the exit. He couldn’t be too upset with her then, as the man had certainly never bothered to hide his anger or irritation. She had nearly reached the door when she felt his presence close behind her and glanced back. The heat in his gaze brought her to a full stop, and she turned to face him. Georgiana wasn’t sure she could have looked away even if she wanted to.

His eyes were full of hunger. Interest. Desire.

“Where is Bea?”

“In my bedroom with some sewing,” Georgiana managed to say. “Why?”

Captain Harris leaned so close she could see the flecks of gold in his irises. “I don’t want her to see this,” he murmured as he pressed her against the door. Then his mouth was on hers in a fierce, deep kiss that sent her knees wobbling. It was over in an instant, before she could properly enjoy it, leaving Georgiana breathless and in desperate need of a chair.

“Would you like me to escort you to the countess’s apartment?” The captain looked quite pleased with himself.

Georgiana bit back a smile as she tried to compose herself. “Please.”

They made the short walk in absolute silence.

The countess’s ever efficient butler opened the door as soon as Captain Harris could knock.

“Won’t you come in? Say hello?”

She had not forgotten his argument with Rafe, but perhaps she could assist him in making amends. The captain pursed his lips, and she could not help recalling how full and firm they had been on her mouth. Urging such things from her. Things Georgiana had not known she could even give. “Another time. I have some things to attend to this morning.” For once, Georgiana did not try to hide her disappointment. “But I will see you this evening. At the casino,” he added just as Georgiana began to blush.

Oh. She had forgotten about that.

“Yes,” she replied, doing her best not to sound quite so breathless.

Captain Harris didn’t look the least bit fooled. He gave her a short bow. “Until then, my lady.” Then he turned and walked down the hallway.

My lady.

Georgiana had been referred to that way hundreds of times over the years and never had given it much thought. Now it was hard to imagine how she could hear the title without thinking of him.

She let out a little sigh and entered the apartment. “Is Mrs. Davies on the terrace?”

The butler shook his head, dour as ever. “She is still in her room, but I will let her know you arrived.”

Every muscle in her body went rigid.Sylvia’s illness.“Did the doctor come to see her?”

The butler hesitated a moment before giving a small, barely perceptible nod. Georgiana was already moving down the hall toward the bedrooms, though she didn’t know which one was Sylvia’s. But Georgiana would find her. Guilt spurred her forward. She had been so wrapped up in Captain Harris that she had entirely forgotten. Unforgivable. She followed the faint sound of voices coming from the end of the hall, where the door to a room stood open. She could make out Rafe, speaking in low soothing tones, and Georgiana’s heart clenched, but as she drew closer, it was Sylvia’s voice she heard clearly.

“I’ve been so busy, I didn’t realize…” She let out a soft laugh. “Oh, I feel like a fool. And Georgiana was so worried yesterday.”

At the mention of her name, Georgiana stopped in her tracks just outside the door.

“There’s nothing to feel foolish about,” Rafe said tenderly. “She’ll be thrilled for you, I’m sure.”
