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She could see the two of them in the reflection of a vanity mirror a few feet in front of her. They were sitting on the bed, and Rafe’s arm was draped protectively around his wife. Sylvia looked so small and pale in his embrace. One could mistake her for an invalid, if not for the dazzling smile on her face.

“But you must keep up your strength, my darling,” Rafe murmured by her ear as he drew her closer. “For both your sakes.”

Georgiana stepped back from the doorway before they could spot her and pressed her back to the wall as her pulse thundered in her ears.

Sylvia wasn’t ill. She was withchild. Now it was Georgiana’s turn to feel like a fool. She should have recognized the signs immediately. But instead she had assumed the very worst. Georgiana gazed up at the ceiling until she could master her breathing. This was joyous news, and yet all she could hear was the viscount’s insidious voice in her ear.

I paid for an heir, and I damned well better get one from you.

She retreated as quickly and quietly as possible. She would make her excuses later. For now she couldn’t let either of them see her like this.

She hurried out of the suite and immediately headed for the lift. By the time she reached the lobby she needed air. Desperately. Georgiana headed toward the hotel’s back terrace. It was another beautiful day outside, and well-dressed guests were happily milling around the grounds.

She looked past them all and focused on the horizon, taking in slow breaths while she tried to gather her scattered thoughts. But the urge to leave crashed over her, and before she could reason otherwise, she swiftly descended the terrace stairs and wound her way through the perfectly manicured gardens toward the front of the hotel. She was in a veritable paradise on earth but barely noticed the orange trees, frangipani, and towering palms that surrounded her as grim determination filled her every step. She didn’t want to be around anyone she knew. Didn’t want to be asked how she was or what was wrong. For the first time she longed for her widow’s weeds once again. To be shrouded in a black veil and left alone. So alone.

As she entered a waiting carriage and moved to close the curtains, her two protection officers came bursting out the front of the hotel, frantically looking in every direction. Georgiana rolled her eyes, snapped the curtain closed and leaned back against the plush seat. They would discover her whereabouts soon enough, but those men couldn’t make her return to the hotel until she was ready. Damn well ready.


“What do youmeanLady Arlington is missing?”

Henry had just sat down to enjoy a relaxing breakfast in the hotel’s restaurant when he was interrupted by the two protection offices assigned to Georgiana.

“She went outside to the back terrace, and we lost her in the gardens,” the first man said, very conciliatory.

“We thought it was just a morning stroll,” the second added, far more indignant than the first. “But she eluded us.”

“I see,” Henry snapped. “You were somehow outpaced by a woman in a gown and heels who can barely walk faster than I can. Fabulous.” He threw down his newspaper and stood. “Do you have any idea where she went?”

“She boarded a carriage that brings guests to the casino.”

“Then why thehelldidn’t you follow her?”

The men exchanged a look before the shorter of the two spoke: “With all due respect, Captain, we are only assigned to watch her when she is on hotel grounds. The rest is up to you.”

Well, he had Henry there.

He gritted his teeth. “Can you at least tell Mr. Previn what happened and that I am going after her? She was supposed to have breakfast with Mrs. Davies. She’s probably worried by now.”

Likely a vast understatement given the anxiety pumping through him at the moment.

Henry immediately headed out to the front of the hotel and boarded a carriage after speaking with the attendant who had assisted Georgiana. She had left only fifteen minutes ago, and the carriages all dropped guests off in the same place near the casino’s entrance. Hopefully she hadn’t gone very far. Even still, Henry was swamped with worry as the carriage made its way down the hill toward Monte Carlo below. This wasn’t like Georgiana. She would certainly skip out on him without a second thought, but never Sylvia. Unless something had happened after Henry left her. Last night she had been worried for her friend. And wasn’t a doctor supposed to visit this morning?

A pit formed low in his belly. If something was wrong with Sylvia, it would destroy Rafe. Utterly. Though most thought him a callow rogue, the man was sensitive, perceptive, and deeply in love with his wife. By the time the carriage arrived, Henry was practically jumping out of his skin. He needed to find Georgiana. He spoke with another attendant who naturally remembered “the beautiful English lady” and pointed him in the direction of a nearby public garden that offered a view of the ocean.

Henry thanked him and set off.


Georgiana stared out at the brilliant sea until her eyes began to water. She vaguely noted her rumbling stomach but couldn’t find the will to seek out a café just yet. Her eyes fluttered closed as she pressed a hand to her temple. She placed her other hand against the balustrade in front of her and leaned forward, seeking a little relief from the weight that seemed to have settled over her shoulders. She would need to head back soon and put on a happy face for Sylvia—no, shewashappy for her.

To hell with the viscount. She refused to let that man and his callous words continue to invade her thoughts. The lack of sleep must be affecting her more than she realized. Goodness, she couldn’t even remember the last time she had slept well. Just as she contemplated putting her head down, a pair of strong hands clamped over her shoulders and hauled her back against a hard chest. “Georgiana,” a familiar voice rumbled by her ear.

She let out a sigh and sank even deeper against Captain Harris. For just a moment she wanted to enjoy this feeling. To have someone to anchor her here. To share a bit of this weight with her. But it was over all too quickly as he turned her around.

“What’s going on? Why are you here?” Captain Harris’s strong hand cupped her jaw and he tilted her face up. He looked stark. Worried. “Is something wrong with Sylvia?”

“No,” she said quickly, and relief filled his eyes. “She…she’s with child. I overheard her talking with Rafe when I entered the suite.”

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