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“You’re sure it’s not your brother? You’ve never talked much about him.”

I nodded, not wanting to admit there was a small percent of doubt. I wanted to trust my brother for once. We’d worked hard to get our relationship back to this level and I didn’t perceive him to be someone who would throw it away now.

“When I met him at dinner, this Thane, he fit every detail I knew about him from your letters over the years. If it’s not your brother,” he paused, glancing at me, the worry creasing his brow. “Well then, I’m scared it’s much worse than we want to admit. This guy knows details, enough to convince me.”

I considered his assessment of the situation, something tugging on my consciousness. “I know I haven’t ever wanted to talk about Thane, and I’m kicking myself for that at this moment. I won’t deny things haven’t been difficult for us over the years, because they have. But one thing I know to be certain is that Thane and I don’t lie to one another anymore. Especially about whether or not we’re even in the country. There’s no fucking way he’s back in the city without messaging me. No, I don’t buy it.”

“Do you think it’s just not wanting to face the fact he could’ve been lying to you this whole time?”

“No. I won’t even entertain the thought without proof.”

“Okay, then we figure out who it is and get proof for Lenn.”

I stopped, realizing how much I’d needed his support on this. “Thank you for trusting me. I’ll call him right now. The time difference is weird, so hopefully, it’s a good time.”

Simon nodded, and I kept hold of his hand, using my other one to pull my phone out and hit his speed dial number. It might be a flip phone, but it worked. Unfortunately, it went straight to voicemail.

“Damn, he must be in an area without a signal.”

Sending him a text to call me, I pocketed the phone and found Simon watching me closely. Concern and desire swirled in his grey eyes, and I found myself falling into their incredible depths. Swallowing, I knew I had to have hearts in my eyes as I stared back. Swiftly, I schooled my features and cleared my throat as I began walking again.

Fuck, I was getting in way over my head too soon. I’d felt the gauntlet of emotions today from pure relief to regret, and lastly, determination to win Peach back. It would be easy to fall into Simon’s arms, seeking comfort without any solid commitment, but we deserved better. Deciding to be mature, my new declaration in relationships, I brought up the topic I’d always been too scared to ask, afraid he’d pick Lennox over me. After all, my twin brother had at one time.

“What is this between us? We both told Lennox it wasn’t anything serious but is that where we’re leaving it? We never talked about the future before.”

My heart hung in my chest as I waited for his answer. I knew he’d always pick Lennox first. He’d loved her his whole life, and honestly, I didn’t blame him. I would too. Lennox was an integral part of my heart. I hadn’t been able to let her go even when I thought she’d broken mine. Knowing now that she hadn’t, that we’d all been played, made me want to kick myself for never giving in sooner and talking to her. My stubborn pride and my innate belief I would always be discarded had kept me from loving her sooner.

Simon was important to me, too. He’d been my friend first, and then over the years, we’d confided in one another our confusing feelings. He became my confidant, my sounding board, and someone I’d come to genuinely enjoy being around. And when you were a surly bastard like me, there weren’t many people I could say that about.

He blew out a breath, peeking over at me. I kept him in my peripheral, a trick I’d perfected over the years to watch Lennox. I didn’t know if he intended to, but he squeezed my hand before he spoke, and it comforted me.

“I think it’s something I’d like to talk about. Something to discuss with Lennox, even. I just didn’t know if you wanted to wait until things were more settled down the road?”

He bit his lip, and I snapped, my Simon kryptonite flaring to life inside of me at the sight. Pushing him against the building, I crowded his space as I leaned my body into his. Simon sucked in a breath, fueling my fire for him, his noises and submission my weakness.

“I don’t,” I purred. “I’m tired of waiting for life to settle. It’s always been a ‘wait until’ or ‘when we get to this point’, and I’m over it. I’ve already wasted years being angry. I don’t want to wait for us to figure this out either, just because we’re scared. But,” I stepped back with forcible effort as Simon groaned, “I know I want to figure it out with Lennox.”

“You mean that? All of us together?”

I nodded, and the smile that had seemed to light my world on fire lit up his face again, and my heart took off, soaring.

“I dreamed of us all being together, not having to choose, but I didn’t think it would be a reality. Are you sure you could share her with me?”

The hope in his voice killed me in the best way. Groaning, I turned, adjusting myself, and grabbed his hand, needing to get home before I lost it on the street. I pulled him down the sidewalk, walking fast as we weaved in and out of people. Simon held on tight, though, following me wherever I led him.

When we made it through the front door, I pulled him hard into me, crowding him again. “Being with you both would be my everything.”

I kissed him, not able to hold myself back from both of them tonight. My hands cupped his face, his stubble scratching my palms as I moved them up, grabbing onto his hair like a lifeline. Our lips found one another, fitting together in a way only Simon and I could. It was aggressive and violent, our teeth-gnashing as we wrestled for dominance. Fueled by passion, the savage kiss melted into a frenzy, and I found myself thrusting my hips into him, rubbing my erection as I looked for some relief. Somehow, I managed to pull back a few minutes later, our breaths heavy as we stared at one another.

“Let’s do it right this time, Simon. If we’re getting a chance, let’s do it in a way that makes every love song and sappy movie jealous. You’re my Fish, I caught you, and now I’m not letting you go.”

“I forgot how sweet you could be. I’m digging this possessive side, though.” His eyes searched mine, his hands still clasped on my hips firmly. “I finally see the man I’ve always known you to be. It’s like I’m getting the best versions of you now. I get the sweet boy of my past who I madly fell for through his words and the man my body craves with unbridled passion in ways I’ve never experienced before. If I get the whole of you, I’ll go as slow as needed, jump through whatever hoops to have it. I think we can all be what we need. You, me, and Lenn. I’m all in, too.”

Grinning, I kissed him briefly before letting him go and walking away. “I think we should enact a no more touching clause until we talk with Peach just so we reduce temptation because I really want to turn you around and fuck you against that wall right now.”

Simon swallowed, eyes fixed on me. They started to travel down my body, lingering on my tight jeans. I rubbed the outside, and he moaned. Spinning on my heels, I quickly made my way to the room I was sleeping in, slamming the door behind me. Leaning against it, I breathed heavily, laughing as I heard Simon cursing under his breath too.

It was one night. I could do this. Locking the door for good measure, I fell onto the bed face first, hoping it would suffice for my cock.
