Page 5 of Life is Guarded

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“Is he still being a flirt?” Amelia shouted, heading toward us, her wet blonde hair now tied up in a bun at the nape of her head. “I mean, you’re cute together. Finn, Jess, what do you think?”

“What did you say?” Jess shouted as she came closer to us all, with Finn hot on her heels, making her squeal when he grabbed her by the waist and nuzzled into her neck.

“I was saying—” Amelia glared at the two of them as Finn halted his motions so they could pay attention for a moment. “Don’t Hudson and Summer look cute together?”

“I guess you’re set on matchmaker alert then, Amelia,” Finn barked out against the cusp of Jess’s neck as she closed her eyes, too. “It’s about time our guy found a girl.”

“Knock it off, you two.” Hudson kicked the sand with his foot toward the trio. “If Summer and I want to go down that route, it’s up to us—not you—back off, yeah.”

“Only playing, man.” Finn holds up both his hands and takes a step back, causing Jess to open her eyes. “Fancy grabbing a juice?”

“Only if it’s Hawaiian Sun, nothing better around here,” Hudson admitted, standing up and helping me to my feet alongside him. “Have you ever tried it before?”

“Nope,” I replied, “but if you say it’s good, I’ll trust your judgement.”

“Good. I think you’ll like the mango orange,” Hudson said, guiding me back toward the path as I decided to test the water and reach for his hand in front of his friends and link our fingers together. “It’s definitely for someone who’s willing to try new things and step outside her comfort zone.”

“I think then it may just be the perfect thing for me.” I grinned, loving the feel of our hands swinging alongside each other.

The moment our feet touched the path leading us off the beach, I thought I’d be jumping for joy, but I had a twinge of disappointment inside. I wasn’t totally happy with leaving and that was like a twist on the normal for me. I turned around and gulped down hard, realizing how much I’d achieved in one afternoon and understood that this move might have been the best thing that could’ve happened to me. That meeting Hudson may have brought me into the light where I could be free and not a clipped bird stuck, unable to fly away.

* * *

Ididn’t know where the time had gone; the sun had begun to set, and the warmth of the day started to fade away. I mean, it was still warm, but nothing like under the heat of the sun. We’d sat and enjoyed our drinks and chatted as if we’d known each other for years—Hudson was right about the drink. It was delicious with the sharp, tart tang as it hit my lips. I hadn’t realized the moan I held in my throat had crept out and made the four of them chuckle. Hudson’s reaction made me squirm as his throat bobbed up and down and his eyes darkened with lust. We’d only just met, but this dynamic tension between us was explosive, and I wondered if it was just the fact that I was new or if it would amount to something else?

Hudson had insisted on showing me the best way to get home, after we waved goodbye to the others and agreed to meet up in a couple of days as Jess and Finn had plans tomorrow. He showed me the shortcuts to access a quick bite to eat if I wanted a five-minute break and the path that separated our two houses if I just needed to talk.

“Summer, I’ve really enjoyed today,” Hudson announced the moment I caught a glimpse of my house up ahead. He stopped walking and grabbed both my hands as his gaze darted down to my face, like he was battling a decision. It was the first time I’d sensed any insecurity within him. I was just about to break the silence when he took a step forward into my personal space and knocked the wind from within me. “Is this okay?”

“Mmmm,” I mumbled.

“What about this?” His eyes sparkled with mischief as he took our interwoven hands and placed them on my hip.

“That feels good,” I admitted as his thumb rubbed my heated skin and I held back the moan in my throat.

“What about if I dropped your other hand and wrapped mine in your hair? Would you like that?” Hudson’s gravelly voice piped against my eardrum and sent goosebumps along my skin. “Would you let me kiss you goodnight until our morning lesson?”

“I’d be disappointed if you didn’t.”

Hudson leaned forward, his gaze locked on mine as I let my tongue quickly sweep across and wet my lips in anticipation. He was going to kiss me and the butterflies that danced within my stomach wanted to explode from the tension in the air. His mouth leaned forward, and his lips tenderly brushed against mine in the softest, sweetest exploration, but he’d ignited the rapid explosion of desire within. Hudson had given me a taste of himself. A view of a hidden vulnerability locked inside, and I wanted more. I wanted him.

“Summer. That was…” Hudson spoke softly as I touched my lips as the sparks continued to dance wildly across the surface of my mouth. “Please say you’re still coming tomorrow?”

“It was perfect. I’ll be there. I promise.” I walked ahead with a slight skip in my step before I waved over my shoulder goodbye. I could feel his presence still behind me, but I wasn’t about to turn and check. I took a breath and decided to be brave, shouting into the distance, “I can’t wait, especially if I can explore your mouth more too.”

“I was hoping that was on the cards. Get inside. Night,” Hudson replied as I walked up the path and felt genuinely happy for the first time in a long while.



I’d been desperate to meet the new girl, but the moment I saw her walking toward me, her body screamed pure sex on legs. I mean, Jess had been determined this would be the summer I’d finally give in and stop resisting Amelia, but she didn’t make my blood pressure rise like the new girl did. The moment I saw Summer, I knew she’d be mine, and I’d ensure it at any cost. The scared, timid woman that was petrified of my world of oceans, the water as it encased around your body as you swam through it and the way the droplets dried in the heat when you stood back on solid ground would adapt and learn through my help that you couldn’t allow anything to control your fears—youcontrolled them. I knew it wouldn’t be an easy task, but she was worth every second just to spend time in her presence.

Summer was intoxicating, a breath of fresh air that had my cock as hard as nails and desperate for release. I’d walked Summer home, showing her the sights that the girls had eluded her from earlier, trying to cling to every second of time I could. I didn’t want her to think that kissing me was part of my helping her overcome her fears. I’d never do that, but I couldn’t get the thought out of my head. I wanted to taste the mango off her soft budded lips that had teased me all afternoon.

So, I did, and fuck was it worth it.

I’d rushed home and ignored Dad’s shouts from the backroom as I entered the house. Whatever he wanted would wait. The strain of my cock pressing against my swimming trunks wouldn’t. The pressure was unbearable and a pressing matter that couldn’t be left undealt with much longer. I took the stairs, two steps at a time, after kicking my sandals off by the door, and entered my bedroom before sliding the lock. With my music turned up, I headed straight into the ensuite bathroom. I turned the shower on and tested the temperature before dropping my trunks and stepping into the spray. The relief I felt as the water cascaded over me was heaven as I grabbed my hard length in my hand and began to move it up and down.
