Page 33 of The Sins of Silence

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Christopher gave me such a thorough workout earlier in the day that by the time sleep rolled around, it was no wonder that I crashed the moment my head hit the pillow. I didn’t mean to but I had spied him taking his medication and instead of backing away from me and retreating into himself, he just smiled and swallowed the tablets, washing them down with a glass of water before kissing me longingly. I was so proud of him. It was as if he knew he needed to do this. Not just for us but for himself.

It was perfect but sadly, our little bubble of peace was broken. I woke up in the middle of the night in agony. My mouth screamed with pain the moment I attempted to open it and it felt warm, alerting me that something was wrong.

I tried to sneak out of bed into the bathroom but the moment I slipped my lounge wear on Christopher reached for me and attempted to wrap his arms around my waist.

“Where are you going, pretty girl? I thought we were way past having to sneak out of the bed routine?” He chuckled, pulling me back to attempt a closer hold but I winced as he reached his hand up to my right cheek. Christopher shot straight up out of bed and hit the side lamp, rushing toward me. “Isobel?”

I turned to face him and he slowly took in my face. His lips pinched together as he frowned with concern.

“I take it I’ve not lost the plot…” I forced the words out. “I feel like a chipmunk. I bet it looks even worse.”

“Come on, let’s get you to the emergency dentist.” Christopher started to get dressed. “If you show me what I need to do I’ll get you booked in.”

“You don’t have to.” I squinted. “It’s probably nothing.” Christopher’s eyes widened at the statement as he reached for my hand.

“Don’t dismiss me, pretty girl. I said we’d be together through everything and I meant it.”

* * *

Christopher was right about needing to see the emergency dentist. I avoided the place at all costs. I know it sounds stupid but I couldn’t help my fears. They stemmed all the way back through my childhood and made the moment I sat in the dentist’s chair a torture experience for me. It was only because Christopher was there that I got through it. He coaxed and calmed me through every moment. Even though I tried to remain unbothered, he saw straight through me. I was bloody thankful for the great healthcare package that Dawson provided, taking into account I’d need to have some work done once this damn abscess had cleared up.

No wonder I felt so rubbish. At least now I had the antibiotics I needed to get into my system and recover.

“Let’s go and make you comfortable, shall we?” Christopher replied.

I leaned against him as he held my medication in his hand. He guided me back into my apartment and straight to the sofa. I didn’t have the strength to argue as Christopher took control. I needed to draw my strength from him at this moment, just as much as I required my next breath.

“Come on, sit down and relax. I’ll stay with you until Chrissie returns and then we’ll swap.” He kissed my forehead, pulling the blanket over me that was laid covering the edge of the sofa. “I’m just going to make you something to eat to take with your medication. Here.” He passed me the remote control before heading into the kitchen. “See what you can find to keep yourself entertained.”


“Yeah?” he asked, his face a wash of concern. “What is it?”

“You didn’t have to do all this. I’m sorry for…”

“Hey, you don’t need to apologize,” he interrupted. “Isobel, you’re ill. Your health is important. Don’t you get it? You’re important to me. I have to be here… well, until work that is.” He chuckled. “But then Chrissie will be here.”

“She will,” I replied back. “You don’t need to worry.”

“I’ll be worrying about you until I see again.” He reached up and tapped his finger against the end of my nose. “Now, let me get you that soup so I can get you those antibiotics,” he stated, turning and heading back in search of what he could salvage in my cupboards. “Soup is probably one of the only decent recipes I can make.” He chuckled.

I sighed, thinking how I’d become so lucky to have such an amazing guy in my life.

* * *

The moment the door opened Chrissie bounded straight toward me, not giving me a chance to say a word to her. She was on a mission and a hello wasn’t going to stop her.

The cavalry had arrived!

“Damn Isobel. I mean, are you sure it’s an abscess? It looks like you have had surgery and then a fight straight after and I’m telling you girl… You did not win!” Chrissie said as she assessed my face just as Christopher came to take away the soup bowls. I couldn’t feign a half-smile even with the pain as he pressed a light kiss to my mouth and took the bowls to the sink, turning the water on and beginning to clean up. Chrissie’s eyebrows shot up straight into her hairline as she mouthed to me. “What the hell have I missed?”

I couldn’t help but wave my hand dramatically and raise my brow at her, silently communicating with her that this wasn’t the time, but I knew Chrissie. She wouldn’t let this rest.

“It’s an abscess.” I winced, reaching up to rub my cheek again. I could sense him behind me without even turning around. My man. Christopher rounded the corner so I could see him properly, drying his hands on a towel and making me want to bite my lip. How could something so domesticated be so hot on a guy? “I just need to rest.”

“You do.” Christopher sighed, checking his watch before flicking his eyes from Chrissie to me. “I need to get going, pretty girl.”
