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“Thanks, Kylie,” Pax says. “I know you’re a single mom and you don’t have much extra time, so I really appreciate it.”

I laugh. “No problem. Cassidy will find another mark soon enough and you’ll be in the clear. Besides, it’s been a hot decade or so since anyone took me out to dinner.”

“I take you out for dinner!” Pike cries.

“That’s not what I mean,” I say, exasperated with his protective big brother antics. “Why don’t you go back to the pool and we’ll be out soon?”

“Great idea,” he says sarcastically, standing up. “I’ll just go swim while my teammate who wants to pretend he’s banging my sister hangs out alone with her.”

“Love you, mean it,” Pax quips.

Pike stalks out of the room. After waiting a minute or so for him to find his way back outside, I flop down on the couch and say, “Well, that was the definition of overreaction.”

“I get it,” Pax says, shrugging. “But he knows me well, and he knows I’m good for my word.”

Sighing softly, I slide the gold band off my ring finger. “This gives me the nudge I needed to take this off. We can’t have you in a fake relationship with a married woman.”

Pax cringes. “Shit, I didn’t mean”

“It’s okay,” I assure him. “I’ve needed to do it for a while now. I’ll treasure this forever and pass it on to Jasmine someday, but it’s time to stop wearing it.” I smile at him. “I didn’t want a drink before, but I could go for a glass of wine now. Want to talk about our first fake date in the kitchen?”

He smiles back. “I’d love to.”

Chapter Five


I’m not really dating her.

I repeat it to myself several times when Kylie approaches me as I walk out of the locker room and into the hallway where family members and a handful of reporters are waiting. She embraces me, kissing my cheek.

She came to the game tonight for her first official appearance as my “girlfriend,” and she couldn’t look more stunning. She’s wearing jeans and a Las Vegas Saints T-shirt, her hair loose and wavy around her shoulders.

I hug her back, my heart racing. Her perfume is light, with a citrus scent and her hair feels soft as silk. If only this were for real. I’d be the luckiest damn guy in the world.

“Play it up,” she whispers in my ear. “Cassidy’s watching.”

We pull apart and I cup her face in my hands, lowering my forehead to rest against hers, itching to kiss her. “You already met the wicked witch? You work fast.”

“She drilled me about our relationship,” Kylie says softly. “I’ll have to catch you up on all my answers later.”

Several of my teammates do double takes when they walk out of the locker room and see me getting cozy with Pike’s sister. Pike, on the other hand, smiles and claps me on the back.

“You ready to go, Romeo?” he asks, digging his fingertips into the back of my suit jacket.

“Ready whenever my Juliet is,” I say, winking at Kylie.

Pike lets out an annoyed growl, low enough so only I can hear it.

“I sure appreciate you saying you’ll pick up the tab tonight,” he says, giving me a mock appreciative look. “I’m feeling thirsty for some top-shelf shit tonight.”

“Come on, it’s the least I can do,” I say with a wink, knowing that the comment will agitate him. “Considering we could be family at some point.”

His eyes widen, but he manages to keep a grin plastered on his face.

“You two are dating?” Eli asks me. “And he’s okay with it?”

“Okay with it?” Kylie laughs and puts an arm around Pike’s waist. “He’s the one who fixed us up.”

For a second, I worry my teammate’s head may explode. His face takes on a red tinge and a vein pops out on his forehead. He keeps smiling, though.

“Let’s head out,” I say, knowing we’ve pushed him far enough.

“Where’s everyone going to celebrate?” I hear Cassidy ask Maverick as a group of us walks past.

Fuck. We just won our home opener, and no one wants the owner’s daughter tagging along to the team dinner. Maverick can’t say that, though.

“Um, we’re going to Andiamo. Don’t tell anyone, though. We don’t want press there if we can avoid it.”

Cassidy waves a hand. “Oh, I’d never. I’m invited, though, right?”

“Sure, yeah,” Maverick says. “Anyone who works for the team is always invited.”

Kylie and I lock eyes, my disdain for Cassidy evident in my expression.

Stretching up on her toes, she speaks as close as she can get to my ear. “This is good. It’ll give us time to show her how crazy we are about each other.”

She slides her hand into mine and I squeeze her hand gently. I’m not sure how I’ll ever repay Kylie for the enormous favor she’s doing for me, but I’m damn sure going to try. I keep hold of her hand as we approach the arena exit. A group of three reporters runs up to us, one pointing a video camera at me.
