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The doctor sits down in his chair and goes over to his computer. “Well, I don’t want to get anyone’s hopes up. It could just be a nerve reaction. It happens to people with spine disorders. They twitch and spasm all the time, and it means nothing. But, because you had some promising results at the hospital, I think it may be a good sign. I’m going to run a few tests, and then we’ll talk when we see the results, okay?” He does some clicking on the computer and gets up to leave. “The nurse will be right in to grab you. I’ll see you shortly.”

Once the door clicks closed, my hand automatically goes to Jackson’s. Even though he can’t feel me, I still need to hold his hand right now.

Is this it? Is he getting his feeling back?

I try not to get too excited and have to bite my cheek until I taste the faint taste of copper in my mouth so I don’t let out a little squeal.

“I’m nervous.” I whisper.

Jackson looks over at me and doesn’t say a word.

He doesn’t have to say a thing, though. His face says it all.

He’s terrified.

* * *

An hour later,I’m biting my nails alone in the doctor’s office as I wait for Jackson to return. The nurse took him away shortly after Dr. Peterson left, saying that I should stay here since they’ll be running a few tests.

I’ve been biting my nails ever since, trying to stay off my phone because I’m a chronic Googler and I’ll just end up reading something that’ll either terrify me, or well, terrify me.

When the door opens, I slide my hand into my sweatshirt pocket and give Jackson a little smile. “Here he is. Dr. Peterson should be in shortly.” The nurse parks and locks Jackson’s wheelchair right beside me.

“How was it?” I ask once she leaves.

He looks at me, his eyes shocked and disbelieving. “I felt something.” He whispers.

My body locks up, my eyes tearing up and I swallow down the sob trying to break free. “What?” I gasp.

“This test they did, I don’t know. I felt something. Like an electrocution or something. I barely felt it… but I felt… something.” He shakes his head, like he can’t believe it.

I can’t, either.

I reach up, running my hand over his cheek. He looks at me, worry and terror shining through the wall he’s trying to keep up. He wants to keep his emotional barrier and tight and secure as possible, but in a time like this, something that depends on his life, not even Jackson’s wall can keep the emotions out.

I lean over and give him a kiss, just a small peck on the corner of his mouth. Subtle, barely touching. But I feel it. A slither of heat hits my lips and travels down my body. My insides warm and I can feel my cheeks start to redden. Hot breath shoots down my face with Jackson's heavy exhale.

I inhale a shaky breath, disconnecting and looking up at him. He’s staring down at me; eyes swirling with a mixture of urgency and need. There’s a lick of irritation around the edges, and I can imagine how out of control he has to feel with not being able to take control like he always does. Jackson is a possessive man, someone who likes to be in control and do things on his time. Not being able to do… essentially anything he wants, I bet he’s losing his grip on humanity.

I try to show him with my gaze that I want him just as much as he wants me. He might not say anything, but I can see his needy eyes wanting to grab onto any inch of me he can get. I want him, too. So badly. I don’t have a baby the size of a house sitting on my stomach, and it makes me feel sexy to be gaining some of my body back. Not that I feel anywhere the same that I used to, and I’m nowhere near ready to have sex again, but Jackson stirs those emotions in me.

Jackson’s gaze is a small drip of gasoline on my already heated body. The moment we connect, we’ll combust.



I’m about to lean forward and take his mouth fully when the door knocks. My eyes widen, as do Jackson’s, and I slide back against my seat and paste on a fake smile for Dr. Peterson. When he shows his face, the overwhelming excitement in his eyes makes me forget about the almost steamy moment between Jackson and me and makes me remember why we’re here in the first place.

“Good news.” He boasts.

I sit up straight, looking at Jackson and seeing the panicked excitement on his face too. He wants good news.

We need good news.

“There was a substantially higher response to the nerves with the testing we conducted today.” He smiles at us.

“What does that mean?” I ask, automatically grabbing onto Jackson’s hand again.
