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Then she released us to see where we would live. Half the class took off, holding their keys before them. I didn't. Staring at the mark, I tried to remember what it was supposed to be. I knew they were numbers, but I didn't often see them written, so I wasn't sure which. Giving up, I headed toward Saval.

"I can't read it," I said.

She smiled at me proudly. "Then it's good that you asked. Yours says thirty-two. This first part? It's a three. The next one is the two. Now, the room that matches is most of the way down near the end, on your right. It will have the exact same numbers painted on the door." She paused. "Do you know your right?"

I lifted my hand, proving I did. "Yes, ma'am."

"Then go make sure it works," she told me, turning to a boy who'd followed me over.

The hall was long, and now it was filled with a lot of other kids. Oddly, it didn't seem to matter about boys and girls. We were all mixed amongst each other, but each kid had their own door. When I finally reached mine, I got to see what was on the other side. Stepping into the room that was supposed to be mine, my breath fell out in awe.

The walls were made of the same white stone as the Temple of All Gods. The floor had a rug with a brightly-colored pattern on it. Not one as thick or soft as Amerlee's, but just as pretty. At the side was a bed. The blankets on it were a soothing purple color, and the chair in the corner matched. There was also a small desk with a wooden chair tucked under it. On one side was a set of shelves, but they were empty. My favorite thing, though, was that the floor had enough space to stretch out.

Leaving the door open, because I wasn't quite sure I should be in here alone, I headed over to the bed and hopped up. Like Amerlee's, it was soft. Unlike the one at home, it didn't have any lumps. On impulse, I took my stuffed bunny and set him on the pillow. If he stayed here, then I wouldn't lose him. I knew Jamik had told me to hold onto him, but I hoped he'd understand.

But before I got down, I decided to try something. Folding my hands in my lap, I got very still and then whispered, "Thank you, Zeal, for the room, and for taking care of me, but most of all for Amerlee and Jamik. Thank you for wanting me when no one else does, and I don't mind living with you if it means my brothers, sister, and the baby will be ok, but I was so scared. I still kinda am, but I'm trying to be a good priestess. I just hope I don't mess it up too bad. Mama always said that I'm good for nothin' but eatin’."

A knock rapped on the doorframe and the dark-skinned man from yesterday peeked his head inside my room. "It's time for lunch, Nariana." His eyes dropped to my hands, and he smiled. "First day in the temple and already praying, huh? Just remember that gods can't always answer directly."

"But can he hear me?" I asked.

The man smiled. "He hears you perfectly, child. Probably better than you know." And then he leaned back out, leaving me feeling like I'd finally done something right.

Chapter 5


Two years later, my room was now decorated in green, but Bunny still lived on my pillow. Every summer, the tenth-year students went through their Choosing Ceremony, were placed on their Path, and moved to rooms closer to their necessary duties. The two weeks after, the rest of us moved into a new hall. I was now a third year, and I was no longer the only one with my own mentor.

Although Priestess Amerlee was still one of the most impressive. Not many Priests of the Body took on acolytes, but I'd gotten lucky. It seemed she'd been making her way over to talk to my father when I'd thrown my fit. According to Jamik, she'd done the same thing on her Day of Surrender, except she'd splashed herself and the priest, so she'd decided to reassure me instead. Jamik, as her loyal guardian, had been more than willing to help.

But today, when I walked into her office, he wasn't there. I sighed in disappointment, because defense lessons were my favorites. And then I noticed the picture leaning behind her. Amerlee watched my eyes and smiled.

"Do you know what that is, Nari?" she asked.

"It's a nude woman."

She canted her head. "Partly right. Behind that is a picture of a nude man. See, you're twelve now, which means we have to talk about some things."

I settled into the chair before her desk. It was covered in leather and more comfortable than it looked. Or maybe it had just learned the shape of my bottom after so many years.

"Is this the lesson about babies I've been hearing everyone talk about?" I asked.

She laughed. "Close enough. It's also why Jamik isn't coming today. He said he didn't want to make this weird for you."

"Because he doesn't know about women's insides?" I asked.

"Oh, he knows all about them," she assured me. "As my guardian, he's learned all these things. It's just that some young girls aren't ready to talk to a man about this."

"So I shouldn't tell him?" I asked.

Amerlee shrugged. "I think that if you talked to him, it would make him feel trusted. That's not to say you have to, but just that it's completely up to you. I assure you that nothing you can say will shock him. I cannot promise that he won't say something that might shockyou."

"Oh." So I gestured at the pictures. "How does it work?"

"Well..." She leaned back to grab the first one, then put it on the desk between us, facing me. "This is what a woman's body looks like when she's fully grown. See the hair here? That's how it looks when kept natural. As a Priestess of the Body, I prefer to remove that. The same way I do on my legs and armpits. Soon, you'll start seeing hair there. It starts with a little bit at first, and then it becomes more. Don't worry if yours is different from the other girls."

"Ok," I agreed, because I'd seen some of the older girls in the bath.
