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"And here's where the differences start. As a priestess, you will not have monthly bleeding, but most women do. Do you know about that?"

"Periods," I told her.

She nodded proudly. "Some people prefer to call it the menses. It's a sign that a girl is old enough to have babies. Physically, at least, but you will never experience this. You will never know the cramping that comes with it. This is one of the gifts that Zeal gives us. The price for it is that you will also never have a child without his help."

"Really?" I asked.

"Really," she assured me. "Your breasts will grow and develop normally, but they will be for temptation instead of feeding a child. Your hips will get wider, and your body will become curvier. When that happens, we'll talk about new underthings, so you have something to keep the weight on your chest from pulling."

"Bras," I said, proving I already knew this part.

Amerlee chuckled. "Exactly. And so you know, Jamik is excellent about finding the right size. He helps me pick most of mine."

"Ok," I agreed again, unsure of what else to say.

"But," Amerlee went on, "the point of this lesson is that girls aren't the only ones who change. Boys do too. Their penises will begin to stand up when they're excited in the right way. At your age, it will happen a lot, and sometimes you won't even understand the reason. Well, or them either."

"Why does it do that?" I asked.

She licked her lips, then grabbed the second picture. "It's because their body is getting ready to make babies as well, but priests can't. Just like you will never have a period, they will never be able to produce the seed to make a child. They still have an ejaculate, but it will never make babies."

"What’s an ejaculate?" I asked.

"It's what happens when a male body is stimulated. He feels a rush of pleasure, and then he releases something we call cum. Ejaculate is the proper word, or semen, but it sounds clinical."

I nodded in agreement. "So why do I need to know about boys? I'm not a boy."

"No, but it's good to know things. Tell me, do you think the boys in your class are cute? Any of them?"

"A few," I admitted without shame. "I don't know them all, but there are some that look good."

"And the girls?" she asked.

I shrugged. "Some are pretty. Why?"

"Do any of them make your hands get sweaty, or you feel like you smile too much when you're around them? Of either gender?"

"Sometimes," I told her.

"Boys or girls?" she pressed.

"Mostly boys. I mean, I guess I feel like that when Ciella smiles at me, but mostly it's the boys."

She nodded. "That's why, sweetie. One day you won't want to just smile at them anymore. You'll want to kiss them, and it doesn't matter at all if that's boys or girls - or both. It only matters that youwantto. Our lesson today is so that when it happens, you won't be worried that you're doing it wrong, or that it's not allowed, ok?"

"So I can kiss either boys or girls?" I asked.

She nodded. "I mostly kiss girls."

"But don't most people think that's bad?"

"Some," she agreed. "Althoughmostpeople want to get married, have families, and raise children.Wewant to celebrate our god, so our rules are different, and everyone knows it. As an acolyte, you're allowed to kiss either one until you know exactly what you like. There's no reason to hide it, and no need to feel ashamed about it. If you have questions about girls, you can always ask me, and all those questions about boys? Jamik will answer them."

"But I thought that guardians don't..."

She groaned and ducked her head. "Sometimes I forget how much we knew and how soon. Some of the people in your class will become guardians, Nari. Maybe even you. The choice isn't made until after your tenth year, and you'll be almost twenty. Zeal does not expect you to decide anything without at least the basic understanding of what you'd be giving up. Although, if things go from kissing to touching, you need to talk to me."

"But isn't that because of babies?" I asked.
