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"Was just being honest," Talin said, turning back to me. "I think you have company, beautiful. I'll get out of your way."

"Better idea," Eladehl said. "Why don't you grab us some drinks, maybe a few cocktails, and stop posturing like a little peacock? You are a part of this group, whether we like it or not. Might as well convince us why we should like you, hm?"

Talin chuckled. "Ok. I'm assuming wine for you, Eladehl? Wraythe looks like a beer kinda guy. Darker, I think." He smiled down at me. "No beer for you. I'll see if there's something sweet. And hug the guy at least? He put on pants for you, and that's a lot more work than it seems."

I caught Talin's hand and squeezed it. "Thank you."

"Always, my temptress. I'll be back in a bit, and I will not hurry."

Without looking back at the room, Talin turned and left. The moment the door closed behind him, I walked right into Wraythe's chest, trusting that he'd catch me. His strong arms surrounded my back, and he crushed me against him as if holding on for dear life.

"You prayed, didn't you?" he asked.

"Every chance I could," I assured him. "Is it better?"

"Healed - well, mostly. Hurts less, too. Mornings have also been a little easier." Then he let go and stepped back for his chair. "So, how'd this meeting go?"

Carefully, I climbed into his lap, sitting on his thigh sideways while being careful not to move too close. "Talin is the baron's son. The one who was excused from his Choosing to be with his sick father? Yeah. Well, he understands all the political crap Amerlee has been trying to deal with for us. The High Priest said something about putting me on the Path of the Word, since it's the highest, and Talin asked what that would mean for him. It was like he made it clear that would become more of a problem than letting us do it this way, and he did it so smoothly."

"The man's a snake," Eladehl warned. "Smooth on the outside, but he has a wicked bite. I like him, though."

Wraythe scoffed. "You want to fuck him."

Eladehl canted his head, admitting Wraythe had a point. "Doesn't mean I want to like him. I also think he's the kind that won't break, and he would never let her get hurt. His ideas are pretty fucked up, but I really think he's trying to do the right thing."

"Is that what you thought when you grabbed him by the ring?" Wraythe asked.

Eladehl just chuckled. "He wanted to push the issue. I simply pushed back." Then he blinked his eyes over to me. "But if I have to share my guardian, then you should offer to share yours."

"He's ringed," I reminded him.

"Mhm. His mouth isn't, and I'm talking about kissing. I also know that he'll need a few more reminders that he is not the one running this show. I'm your partner, not him. I like him, but I'm not willing to budge on that. Not for you, Nariana."

"I just want the three of you to get along."

"So you like him?" Wraythe asked.

I glanced up to see him watching me. The look on his face could only be described as adoration. Seeing my giant turn soft always made me love him a little more, so I leaned my head against his shoulder.

"Right now, I like all the pieces I've seen, but they haven't been put together into a whole. He's sexy. He's smart. He has a sharp sense of humor, and he is honestly trying. All good things, right?"

"It's enough to make you want to see him again, that kind of feeling?" he asked.

"Yeah, and he kinda reminds me of you. I mean, back when I first met you, and you both just drew me in. Every day, I was excited to see my new friends again, and in the giggly little girl sort of way."

Wraythe gasped in mock horror. "He makes yougiggle?"

I slapped his chest playfully - and then giggled, unable to stop it. "By the gods, I've missed you. I'm so glad you're feeling better."

"Like a whole new man," Wraythe assured me. "And I think I can hold you again without suffering for it, so come a little closer. I want to kiss my girl."

Chapter 46


An hour later, I was feeling warm and a little blurry around the edges. Talin had not only brought back a glass for each of us, but a few bottles to refill them. For me, he'd found a darker style of sherry. Eladehl seemed to have a fondness for port. Wraythe and Talin were sharing a very large pitcher of beer.

And we were all laughing.
