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"Zeal?" I asked.

He placed his hand on my knee. "I did not expect you to be next, Talin. I thought it would be Wraythe."

"No. He believes inher,not you. He's trying, but he's not there yet."

"And you? Do you believe in my chosen?" The man's voice was like silk, promising so many things.

I struggled not to let it distract me. "I believe she is amazing. I believe she will get there. I do not believe she is ready yet, or that she will ever be able to do whatever it is you need on her own. Nariana is not a loner."

"She's not," he agreed. "That's why I gave her all of you. It wasn't hard. I simply had to tempt the golden one to show off a little, and he stood up for the giant. A nudge to give in to his anger made the giant protect his golden friend not long after. A push at the sniveling girl put our giant in the way of the only harm he was vulnerable to, and then I whispered to Nariana that it would be easy to save him. All she'd need to do was feel those thick arms around her. Each of them helped the other. And then there is you."

"You sent her to my bed, knowing it would make me need more, huh?"

Zeal scoffed. "No. I made her weak, Talin. That inn was so different from the temple. She felt out of place, and while it was safe, that does not mean she wouldn't fall into a trap with her beautiful ignorance. I showed you a gem, and then I placed it in the snake pit, and you had to make sure it wasn't swallowed whole. That you allowed her to seduce you was between the two of you."

"But you knew she would," I countered.

"Ihopedshe would. Nariana and I have an agreement, though. I must ask, and I can never leave. That's it. Everything else, she will forgive. But if you try to take away her right to make her own decisions, or if you ever walk away from her, even to cool off, she will be cut deeper than you can imagine. Scream at her, hit her even - although she might hit back - but do not walk away."

"Noted," I said. "But that's not actually why I'm here."

"Ah..." He leaned closer, raising up so our faces were even. "You want to know how to deal with her marks? Don't. Instead, focus on me."

I longed to lean in just a bit, to see if those full lips were soft or hard when I pressed my mouth against them. "You're very hard not to focus on."

"Good man," he whispered, closing that last inch.

Soft. His mouth was soft, willing, but not weak. The god's hand clenched my shirt, pulling me into him, and I didn't resist. Not at all. Instead, I reached for him, gripping the side of his neck before sliding my hand down, across his flat pectoral, feeling the knot of his nipple under his robe. Zeal's lips curled against mine, but not enough to break our kiss. His tongue delved into my mouth over and over, tasting me, sampling me, and for lack of a better way to describe it, judging me.

Then he lifted his lips a hair's breadth away from mine. "You will be my blade, Talin. The weapon I need most, but first you must do one thing." He looked over at the basin of water. "Drink of my tears."

I followed his eyes, then quickly looked back to him. "Do you haveanyidea how many hands have been in that?"

"Do you have any idea how little I care?" he countered. "Stopacting like a spoiled and pampered little prick!" The sultry voice had turned to rage. "I ask because I want to, not because Ihaveto.Iam the god here, and youwilldrink, priest. One way or another, and I promise this is the easiest option."

"Ok," I breathed, slipping off the bench to back away from him.

That made me take the long way out of my seat, but the center aisle was closer to the basin anyway. When I reached it, I looked inside, hoping there was nothing floating. How many cum-stained hands had been rinsed in there? How much filth had washed away with it? But Zeal had followed me, and I honestly believed him when he said this would be the easiest option.

So I cupped both hands together and dipped them in, lifting the water to my lips. Tilting them back, I sucked, surprised to find the water really was salty. Thankfully, it tasted like nothing more than tears. No dirt, no cum, and nothing worse. Just the tears of a god.

"Again," Zeal said.

I drank four more times before the man moved behind me to whisper in my ear, "Thank you, my blade. Your debt for the ring is now repaid."

"But what do I do about the immersion?" I asked, refusing to move.

His lips caressed the side of my neck. "You believe, Talin. I put those marks on her once, do you honestly think I'd take them away? Do you really believe I did not see this coming?"

"You said you couldn't see the future, though."

"Mm." He kissed again. "No, but I make very good guesses. That you will groan so deeply is only one of them, but I'm not quite that tangible yet." And his hand slipped around my body to caress the hardness in my pants. "Think of me when you relieve that. Me, laying with her, while you stand there so quietly and just watch."

Yeah, I groaned, the god having just proven his point.

Chapter 56

