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He nodded once, but the stiffness made it clear he didn't like it. "Zeal, watch over her," he breathed, the words chosen to sound like a prayer.

Zeal moved beside me. "Let's get this over with, Nariana. It's a game I tire of."

His words did not make me feel better, because to the gods, we were all just toys. Pawns meant to be moved around at their whim, nudged one way or another to keep them entertained or powerful. Still, I'd agreed to complete surrender, and what else was this? I'd just put my pride, my future, and my faith all into his hands, allowing him to do with it what he would.

And my body.

When Kinen pulled open the ancient door, I took one last deep breath and followed him into the darkness.

Chapter 59


Once I was inside, the High Priest closed the door behind us, securing it with a bar. The square piece fit into metal brackets on either side, ensuring that we would not be interrupted. A single pillar candle, the kind with three wicks, burned brightly on a table just inside. It was the only illumination.

The room was nothing at all like I expected. Instead of a squared-off space like the Choosing Room, this was a real cavern. The stone floor was natural, yet worn smooth from generations of feet passing over it. There was no lip between the edge of the water and the floor, just a gradual slope where the gentle movement of the endless amount of water shifted against it almost as if alive, the expanse disappearing into darkness.

But something was different with this water. Mixed within it were what at first looked like bubbles. The longer I watched, I realized it wasn't. Some other fluid, just as clear, floated in globs on the surface. The waves - if the pathetic current could even be called that - shifted the substance toward the "shore" where it separated on the rocks. Slowly, that part drained toward a rock basin on the left. Evidently, that was what would wash away my past, cleansing my body of all Zeal's marks.

"You will need to disrobe," the High Priest said.

Thankfully, he sounded bored with the idea, as if it was nothing more than a part of this ceremony. Then again, he'd probably seen more beautiful bodies than anyone else. Working my robe free, I let it slide down to pool on the floor around my feet, slipped off my shoes, and then stepped out. Kinen simply gestured to that natural basin.

"This," he said, "is Zeal's anguish. Please step into the water. There is a lip beneath the surface to make it easier. When you are in the center, submerge yourself completely, including your head."

I couldn't help but notice that he kept a healthy distance from the fluid. That was intimidating enough, but making my way across the irregular surface took concentration. The angles of the rocks weren't gentle on my bare feet. Just as my guts began to clench with anxiety, a protective hand pressed between my shoulders, giving me something to lean on.

"It's just tears," Zeal told me. "What no one realizes is that these are my tears of sorrow. Those?" He gestured out to the water. "They're tears of joy. That is why they separate."

Nodding to him - because I couldn't say anything with Kinen watching me so closely - I kept going until I reached the edge. Without hesitation, I bent to ease myself in, finding the lip just beneath the surface with one leg, but as I watched, the marks on my calf vanished. The moment my skin slipped beneath the surface, the black lines of my god became invisible. I watched in fascination as I put my other leg in and entered the pool.

The water was waist-high, too shallow to be dangerous, but the marks on my hips were now gone. Feeling a pang of regret, I reached up to touch the beautiful lace beneath my throat that descended down my sternum. Then I took a breath and bent my knees.

The tears were blissfully warm. The fluid felt thick, but not disgustingly so. More like the water was filled with minerals. Reaching up, I smoothed my hair down, making sure all of it was submerged, and then I stood back up, sucking in air even as I wiped the water from my eyes.

My hands were bare.

For so long, I'd had thick lace from my fingers to above my elbows. Now it was gone. I stared in shock, twisting my arms so I could see all sides. I knew this was how most people looked, but it felt odd. Unnatural.

"Please emerge," Kinen said. "And then come stand before me so I can make sure you are devoid of any false marks."

In silence, Zeal helped me stabilize, and then I walked toward the High Priest. Under my damp feet, the floor was slippery, but my confidence made it easier. I had a god with me. Warm water trailed down my body, the trickle from my hair splattering on the ground with each step, so I reached back to wring it from the ends.

Kinen shifted away, making it clear he had no intention of being splattered by the water that would remove his marks. Interesting. But he wanted me to come to him, so I did. When I was only a pace before him, I stopped, spreading my arms wide for him to see my lace-free body.

"It's gone," I told him. "Every line, swirl, and shape my god put on my body has been washed away. There are no false marks."

"Turn," Kinen ordered.

Slowly, I turned, allowing him to inspect every inch of my skin. Part of me was convinced this should be embarrassing. The man was looking me over critically, and I knew I had flaws. The other part was so adamant that I needed my marks back that I refused to care. Then there was this little whisper telling me that it was ok. If I wanted to tempt people, then they would end up looking at me, so it was better to enjoy the attention than shy away from it.

I glanced over at Zeal, who'd thankfully chosen to stand between me and the lake of tears. All Kinen would see was me looking at the next step. Zeal, however, shrugged, looking almost guilty.

"And that is how temptation works, my chosen. Just a little nudge to your thoughts. A whisper in the back of your mind. I do believe you should embrace this one."

"High Priest?" I asked. "Does this mean I can reclaim my lace now? Have I proven to your satisfaction that I have no false marks?"

"Do you believe you are worthy of that?" he asked, a mixture of indecision and threat in his voice.
