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Jamik cracked the door to peek his head in. "I brought Nari for a visit. Is my priestess back yet?"

"Nope, but come in!" Shalsa wrenched the door from his grasp and pulled it wide. "Hello, littlest sister!"

"Shalsa!" I greeted her, stepping in for a hug. "I'm starting to think you never work in the temple anymore."

She turned and flaunted her hips from one side to the other. "It's this ebony skin. Everyone wants to see what my goods look like. That I'll switch for men or women?" She fanned her face. "Honey, I swear I've been on my back for a week straight!"

Irila, her guardian, groaned at that. "And I've been on my feet the whole time. Jamik? Can youpleasehelp me find some better boots? My feet are killing me."

He made his way over to kneel in front of her chair. "I can at least help with that. Guardians need aftercare too, sister."

"You're going to rub these?" Irila asked, offering him a sock-clad foot. "I mean, I'm not about to stop you, but you're braver than me."

"I also know where Amerlee keeps the good soap," he teased. "Oh, and Nariana had her first kiss today, followed by her first bullying."

Shalsa grabbed me by the shoulders and steered me to a second soft chair, then guided me down. "Let's start with the good stuff. How was the kiss?"

"It was ok," I admitted. "No, it started ok and then got better when I relaxed. Well, until he told me that was all he liked."

Irila lifted her chin to look over Jamik's back. "So he's into boys?"

"Not into touching," I grumbled. "He likes talking and stuff, but says his body thinks different things than his head."

"Sounds like a guardian in the making," she told me. "Most of us seem to prefer the friendship rather than the orgasms."

"Irila!" Shalsa snapped. "She's an acolyte!"

Jamik chuckled. "And she knows about orgasms. I promise you, Amerlee covered that part. She also needs some new clothes because the little girls that picked on her stained not only her best pants, but they also soaked her boots. Her favorite lingerie was ripped apart in a fit of jealousy."

Shalsa looked at me, her eyes jumping from my chest to my hips. "You know, I bet you're not that far off from what I wear. I mean, I have more legs, but I can give you a few things I've never used. Wrong colors, you know. Will at least hold you over until Amerlee can have a seamstress come get your new measurements." Then she tugged at the sides of my shirt, where it lay over my ribs, pulling it taut across my chest. "When did you get boobs?"

"I know," Jamik groaned. "You girls are going to need to stop making her so pretty. It's creeping me out."

"Don't..." Irila said.

"We talked," Jamik assured her. "She knows it's not because she's not pretty, but because she grew up too fast and feels too much like my sister for me to appreciate it. I promise I'm not going to hurt her pride."

"Is he right?" Irila asked.

"I kinda feel the same about him," I told her. "Jamik's like... my uncle or something, you know? I mean, he's not an ugly man, but it still feels weird to think about that."

Irila switched feet, making him rub the other. "So, are you going to vanish when she wants to know about hand jobs or blow jobs?"

Jamik groaned, pausing when the door opened. "Amerlee! You're just in time to save me from sticking my foot in my mouth."

"And what are we talking about?" Amerlee asked, making her way over to kiss Shalsa. "Missed you, beautiful."

"Mm, you too, baby," Shalsa purred back. "And your boy toy is creeped out by his little sister growing up. We want to know if he's going to pretend like he's never had a mouth on his cock."

Jamik sighed. "I have no problem talking to her about other boys. I can tell her how dicks work, how to handle them, and all the weird things they do. I donotwant to discuss where mine has been, and it's a hard no onanytalk about her coming near it."

"Fair enough," Amerlee said. "But I think Nariana might have a new resource to ask. Sounds like Anver is more than willing to play around a bit, or at least talk about it? Saval says he's not sexually driven."

"Wait." I lifted a hand, begging them all to pause for a moment. "Does Saval know all about what we do?"

"Not all," Shalsa assured me, "but probably most. She tries to keep track of who is willing to experiment, who is too timid - so she can make sure they understand what they're feeling - and which genders we prefer. Zeal doesn't ask us to do things we hate. He simply asks us to offer our bodies when he cannot."

"And you," Amerlee said, "seem to only like boys."
