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Sometime after our dinner was gone, the plates had been removed, and I'd finished my second glass of sherry, Talin moved to the chair beside me. The flirting continued, but it was more playful than lecherous, and he had a wicked sense of humor. In truth, the only people I'd felt this at ease around were Eladehl and Wraythe.

"So," he said, dropping his arm along the back of my chair to lean closer. His hand subtly pointed to a middle-aged woman sitting alone. "See her? What do you notice?"

"That her wedding ring is missing," I whispered back. "The indention is visible on her finger, which means it hasn't been gone long. Likely, she took it off a few minutes before she walked in."

"Mhm. She's also wearing her best dress. It's not fancy, but it's new, clean, and her corset makes her feel like she's young again. She's drinking the cheapest wine, which means she doesn't have much money to spend tonight, but I believe she's looking for company."

I jabbed him in the ribs with my elbow. "You should go make her feel beautiful."

He chuckled against my ear. "I believe someone else is already planning on it. See the bald guy with the potbelly? I'm pretty sure he was waiting for her."

"Why?" I asked, turning to find Talin's face so close to mine.

He reached up to tap the bottom of my chin. "Because he keeps checking the door and then looking over at her. I figure that about the time she finishes that drink, the pair will leave together, but they want to make sure her husband doesn't show up first."

"But what about his wife?" I asked, admiring the shades of light and dark blue in Talin's eyes.

His gaze dropped to my lips. "Are you so sure he's married?"

"The stitching on his elbow is new. It's also well done. He has a bracelet on his wrist that peeks out from under his cuff each time he reaches for his glass - "

"Tankard," Talin corrected. "Sherry is served in a glass. So is liquor. Beer and ale always end up in a tankard."

"Regardless of what the glass is called, his bracelet is just braided yarn, and in bright colors. Probably from a daughter. That man is married."

"Which is why he also has a key to a room upstairs." Talin chuckled. "But I only know that because he leased the room while I was here."

"You cheated!" I hissed.

"Aboutthat," he told me. "But fine, you pick one."

I turned to scan the room. "Ok..." And my eyes fell on the waitress. "What about the serving girl?"

"Not fair," he said. "I've been staying here a few days. I already know that her father likes to hit her, always careful to make sure it's out of sight. I know that she has no interest in men, she'll sneak a woman a key to a room when she can, and she will never get married if her father has anything to say about it. He doesn't want to pay a girl when he has one who works for free."

I sucked in a breath, pretending to be horrified. "You tried to pick her up, didn't you?"

"I most certainly didnot," he swore. "I will have you know I'm a good boy."

"You expect me to believe that?"

His voice dropped to a deep, sensual, almost silken rumble. "I haven't kissed you yet, have I?"

I forgot to breathe. My heart jumped in my chest, cheering in its own way, and I realized that I wanted him to. I was also terrified of what would happen if he did. Would I hate it? Were Eladehl and Wraythe the only men I'd ever want to touch me? Would they care?

No, they wouldn't. I already knew that. We'd already made peace with the fact that Eladehl would lay with many people while Wraythe would have none. After the Darkest Night, we'd all sworn to each other that we'd never let such things come between us. So long as we never stopped caring about each other, how we pleased our bodies wasn't something to worry about.

"I'm sorry, Nari," Talin mumbled, leaning back. "I probably shouldn't have said that."

I caught his arm. "Did you mean it?"

"Which part?" he asked. "About being a good boy? Not at all. About wanting to kiss you? Yes, but I'm well acquainted with ignoring temptation."

I looked down at his gloves. "Are you married?"

That earned me a single laugh. "No." Then his eyes narrowed. "Are you?"

