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"So there's no ring hiding under that leather? No fiancé waiting for you to return from the vacation you're using to delay an unwanted marriage?"

"Would it matter?" I asked.

He leaned in toward my ear. "Not in the slightest, because I leave in the morning, and you will probably never see me again. I won't come calling, I won't ask for your address, and I won't be able to tell anyone about what happens between us. I also won't pressure you. Granted, if you happened to ask to see my room, I also wouldn't refuse. The offer is there."

"Does it have a nice view?" I asked, hoping he'd take the hint.

Talin just shook his head. "I have an interior room. No windows at all. I'd say we could share a glass of brandy and finish this conversation, but I'd prefer you do not drink away your wits."

On impulse, I stood, turning to find the serving girl and waved her over. "Can you send two tankards of ale up to his room?"

She sighed. "Sure. That'll cost you a silver for the ale, and three copper to carry it up."

I reached into my purse without pulling it out, found two of the medium-sized coins by feel, and handed them to her. "The rest is your tip. Thank you."

"I hope he's worth it," she grumbled, storming away.

I honestly did too, but I loved the way this made me feel. It was naughty and forbidden, no different than when I'd found myself pinned between two amazing men. Even if nothing but talking happened, I was starting to understand the lure of my god. The fascination that simply would not leave my mind. It was addicting, tantalizing, and came with a rush that nothing else could match.

"Well?" I asked, turning back to Talin. "Aren't you going to show me which one?"

He stood, tossing a coin onto the table absentmindedly, and then offered his arm. "You are not like the women I've met before, Nari. I'm starting to think I'm not the one in control here."

"I tend to prefer an equitable agreement."

He chuckled at that, but did lead me toward the back of the room. There, behind a bland wooden door, was a set of stairs. Those took us up to the second floor, but it continued up for one more. Talin guided me into the hall, turned left, and down about halfway. Each door had a number painted on it, and we stopped at the one that was marked twenty-seven.

He released me to unlock it then, like a gentleman, gestured for me to enter first. I was no more than one step inside when he flicked a switch, igniting a gas lamp at the side, right over a tiny table with two chairs. They looked like they'd been used, both pulled away but facing each other. Then again, the book laying on top meant the second one had likely been for his feet.

Curious, I headed over to see the title. Talin closed the door but didn't move, watching me examine his personal space. "I hope you don't judge a man by his literature."

The title was one I knew and had actually read. A vivid story of a damsel in distress, a warrior determined to save her, and an ogre who wanted to make her into his lunch. The sex scenes had been some of the first Amerlee had allowed me to read. Nothing too risqué, but alsoverygraphic.

"I would've thought most men would call this smut," I teased.

He shrugged, feigning innocence. "I liked the hacking and slashing parts. You should read it."

"Already have."

That made his brows go up. "And the gore didn't disturb you?"

"Nor the liaisons." I looked back and smiled. "Or should I pretend to be flustered so I don't bruise your pride?"

"I will have you know that my pride is strong enough to take a beating without cracking. I just didn't believe you'd actually read it. Clearly, you have. Tell me, did you hold it in your left hand while you did so?"

He meant so I could use my right to please myself. Pushing the book aside, I dropped into the chair that he'd used for his feet and lifted my chin. "I did."

His mouth opened, but nothing came out. He blinked once, but before he could figure out how to respond to that, a knock came at the door. Talin looked almost thankful to have something to distract him.

The serving girl was on the other side with a pair of tankards. He took them, she huffed, and then left without a word. Using his foot, Talin managed to close the door, then he shifted both handles to one hand and used the other to flip the lock.

"So what made you decide to order ale?" he asked, setting both tankards onto the table and claiming the other chair. Slowly, he pushed one toward me.

"I've never tried it, and you seem to enjoy it."

He leaned back, lifted his in a fake toast, and then took a sip. "Your turn."

All too aware of him watching me, I used both hands to pick up the heavy mug, then tilted it only a bit. The smell was rather rancid, but I'd seen a lot of people drinking this tonight. Still, my first sip was a cautious one. The bitter taste hit my tongue and I almost gagged, forcing myself to swallow the half-mouthful.
