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"You can have that corner," he said, pointing to the back side of the room. "Wobem will be by the door."

"Uh huh," Talin mumbled, moving that way.

Then Nyrren turned to a display of sadistic sexual toys laid out on the table. "How do you feel about ropes, Nariana?"

I watched as he trailed a finger across all the things Ela kept in his own box. The most gentle options were on the left side of the collection, while the more dangerous were on the right. Nyrren looked like he'd never handled any of them before. His fingers moved to bump the ends, but not the sides meant to be used.

"I can do ropes," I agreed.

"Gags?" he asked, picking up a rubber ball attached to a leather strap. "Might keep the entire class from hearing your screams, so I figured it was an option."

"What is your specialty anyway, Nyrren?" I asked. "Since you've avoided me all week."

Holding the gag, he turned to face me. "I studied exotics."

"Which is a broad category," I pointed out. "I'd just like to know what I should put as my limits before we start. You know, before you get too excited to gag and bind me."

His lips curled on one side and his eyes raked over me again. I couldn't help but notice that his interest was also growing, and impressively so, leaving a thick ridge in his pants. But Nyrren took his time about answering.

"I specialize in daddy dominance, but I've been warned that you're not a submissive."

"I'm not," I agreed. "I'm also not interested in defecation, urination, or blood play. If you want to hit me, then hit me. If you're worried about me getting too loud and embarrassing you, then use the gag."

"Then what is your area of expertise, Priestess of Temptation?" he taunted.

I noticed the way he said that, as if he doubted my Path and didn't care how much lace was on my body. This man was excited about the idea of having me at his mercy. He caressed that ball gag as if it turned him on more than the woman before him.

"Multiples," I answered spontaneously. "Just know that gag is going to remove one of my available orifices."

"Don't like blow jobs," he assured me. "Any other limits?"

"No," I decided. "I'm just waiting to see where this is going."

He moved closer. "Shut up already."

Two steps brought him right before me, and Nyrren pressed the gag against my lips without any kindness at all. I opened, taking it before he crushed my teeth. With an uncomfortable efficiency, the man buckled the straps behind my head, his pale eyes watching me the entire time. I simply let him.

If Nyrren wanted to take over, then who was I to stop him? I also wasn't going to help, not if this was the tone of our session. The man simply ran his hands down my sides, exploring the curves of my body with an eerie detachment. Eventually, his hands moved back up, caressing the sides of my breasts, but stopped in the middle of my neckline. A muscle in his jaw clenched, and then Nyrren pulled.

Fabric tore, my shirt destroyed in that single move. I didn't flinch at all. There would always be more shirts, and I had no problem walking back to my suite in nothing but my god-lace. The same lace this man was staring at, watching as more and more was revealed.

When he tore the short shirt clean through, I heard his guardian chuckle at the side. Nyrren just huffed, the pair obviously sharing some joke, but then he pulled the fabric off my arms. There was no gentleness to it. No consideration for how he yanked my body around. If anything, the rougher he was with me, the harder he got. That ridge in his pants was straining the fabric now.

So Nyrren moved to my skirt. One button loosened that enough that the fabric fell to my ankles. That left me standing before him in my lingerie and shoes. After running his eyes over me again, Nyrren turned back to the table, almost as if dismissing me completely.

"Strip," he ordered.

Easy enough. I bent to release my boots. After those were gone, I removed the sexy lingerie I'd picked out, a bit impressed that this guy had done nothing more than look at it. Completely naked, I nudged the destroyed and discarded clothing away with my foot, then stood back up, waiting to see what came next. Oddly, I wasn't nervous at all. Curious, sure, but this man gave me the impression that he was trying just a bit too hard.

Nyrren returned with a length of rope. A rather impressive one, if I was honest. "Kneel," he ordered.

I knelt. So far, this session was going nothing like any of my others. Nyrren felt oddly detached, as if his lust was more for the ropes and tools than for me. It was a blow to my pride, but I could deal with this. Everyone's tastes were different. Maybe the dark lines across my body weren't appealing to him? It could've been something as simple as this man preferring blondes.

But once I was on my knees, Nyrren began to tie me. Not just my hands. No, he worked the rope around my chest, both over and under my breasts, then over my shoulders. He left ornate knots in places to strap me in and expose anything he might be interested in. Then there were my arms. The upper part was clamped tight to my sides by the ropes, preventing me from reaching much.

The process wasn't fast, and Nyrren did nothing to make it sensual. He just kept me on my knees, gagged, while he wove my body into the rope. My legs came next. Kneeling like I was, the man tied my thigh to my calf, holding my knees bent. More knots were made, creating a brace that would prevent my legs from straightening. Then he secured the hand on that side to my ankle, just below my ass, forcing me to stay low to the ground, my legs spread. It gave the man an unobstructed view of my bare body. First he focused on one leg, then the other.

The ropes were soft but tight enough to bite into my flesh. The man didn't talk while he worked, so I refused to mumble into the gag. I'd expected him to taunt me, tease me, or make some attempt to get me aroused, but he didn't. He simply secured me, his breathing getting a little faster the more rope he wrapped around my body.
