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"He wants a session," I explained. No, that wasn't what Shalsa said, but I knew it was what she meant.

Shalsa lifted one of her dark, elegant fingers, making us all pause. "You and Nari are still students, so that means you can't take sessions yet. Thiemo wants to meet more men who have the same sexual preference he does. He wants to be part of a community where he can ask questions without being worried about who will be told about those questions later. And, if he feels comfortable with it later, I'm hoping he might be interested in putting in a request for one of your student assignments."

My brother's cheeks were turning brighter, and his eyes refused to angle my way. "This is pretty much the most awkward situation I've ever been in."

"Well, let me make it even more awkward," Ela said. "Do you have a problem with fucking the same guy your brother is?"

Thiemo scoffed. "I don't think what you did with Tath counts. It was more like putting him in his place."

Ela's smile turned devious. "I wasn't talking about Tath. I was actually referring to Talin."

Thiemo's head snapped up and his eyes found mine, but Shalsa simply laughed, lifted her hands, and backed away. "And I think that's a sign that all of you have a few things to talk about. Talin, if you don't want to escort him back to the front, then send Anver over to get me."

"Or I could just escort him to the front myself," Anver said from the dressing room, proving that he'd been listening in.

"Whatever works," Shalsa called back. "Just don't abandon him in the middle of the temple. He'll get lost and wander around for weeks before someone finds him." She grinned, then turned for the door and left, not even bothering to say goodbye.

So I gestured to the couch, inviting my brother to sit. "It's okay, Shalsa's gone," I told the others. "Thiemo‘s still here. I also don't care if he's offended by us not dressing up."

Ela headed for the kitchenette. "Nari and I were in the shower," he explained. "So I have a feeling that right now, Wraythe and Anver are scrambling to find her clothes and to help dry her hair."

"She's dressed now," Anver said as he made his way around the corner. "Wraythe is still helping with her hair, but she's covered." He didn't stop walking until he was standing before my brother. There, he offered his hand. "Priest Anver, Path of Protection for the Temple of Temptation," he introduced himself.

"Thiemo Ranndor," my brother replied. "I should probably tell you I'm Lord Ranndor, the younger brother of the Baron of Temptation, or some bullshit like that - but I'm just Thiemo."

"A little overwhelmed?" Anver asked. "Don't worry, 'the Four' have that effect on everyone."

"The Five," I corrected. "Anver, whether you believe it or not, you're included in that. It's kinda why you live here."

"Or it could go the other way around," Nari said as she finally joined us.

Her damp hair had been twisted up on the back of her head, but it was working for her. She wore a pair of Ela's training pants that hung loose around her hips, and a shirt that hugged her breasts, but only went midway down her ribs. The colors didn't match, and the fabrics weren't new, crisp, and impressive. Still, she made comfortable look amazing.

Thiemo quickly pushed to his feet to greet her. "Nariana," he said.

She waved him back down. "I live in a set of rooms in a temple of priests who fuck. This is not a residence, and we do not have staff. In other words, manners are something we're typically lacking unless we're on display. Relax, Thiemo. Pretend like you're simply visiting a few of your friends."

Which was when Ela made his way into the room carrying three cups of tea. The first he handed to Nari. The second went to me. The third he offered to my brother. I wasn't sure if Thiemo could recognize the importance of that, but I certainly did.

"So," Ela said, "it sounds like you want to know about fucking men. Looks like Shalsa brought you to the right place. I fuck them openly, Talin fucks them in private, and Anver prefers to watch them fuck. Then there's Wraythe. He doesn't care if men fuck, just as long as they're not fucking him. I think we have all the available options covered. Now, what exactly do you want to know?"

Thiemo lifted his cup, leaned back, turned his eyes on me, and smiled. "Let's start with how my younger brother is getting laid if he has a ring around his dick. I was under the impression that guardians didn't fuck, Talin."

I claimed the seat across from him and pulled down the collar of my shirt to reveal the lace just beneath my throat. "I'm also notjusta guardian. Zeal chose me to protect the woman he calls his Chosen - but I'm not the only one. Ela, Wraythe, and Anver are also her guardians. No, that doesn't normally happen either. And yes, I do have a ring around my dick. It just doesn't have any teeth, which means I can fuck all I want."

Thiemo took a sip of his tea, and it looked like his entire body relaxed. "I think Shalsa was right. I am in the right place."

Chapter 16


Eventually, Wraythe also joined us. I had a feeling that Nari and the guys had staggered their entrances on purpose so as not to overwhelm my brother. It worked. Once Thiemo learned that my ring didn't keep me from having sex, he began to open up. Naturally, he started by telling us about how he'd been caught with the Baron of Inspiration's little brother.

It had all started innocently enough. The pair had been drinking while looking at women. One thing led to another, and with the addition of a bit too much alcohol, talking about the things they wanted women to do to them had somehow shifted to things they might be willing to try - specifically with each other. Then, after trying those things, all that alcohol had been just enough to lull them to sleep. When the staff walked in the next morning, the scandal had been unavoidable.

And Tath would not let Thiemo live it down. Naturally, Thiemo hadn't told anyone that he'd seen the guy a few more times. My brother even stammered about it when explaining it all to me. But Thiemo's frustration was palpable.

"For over a year, Tath has been taunting me with this!" he snapped. "Now I find out that you like men as well, Talin?"
