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Michael moved towards him. He was a little taller than Sam, and while Sam was the younger man, he had nothing on Michael’s physique. He looked scrawny compared to Michael.

“Don’t tempt me,” Michael’s voice was low, rumbling through Paula’s body. “I’m quite prepared to lay hands on you to protect my home and my woman. You try anything, and I’ll make sure you’re carried out.”

Wait, did he just say his woman? Paula let the words sink in. His?

Sam looked nervous. His bravado was going, and the clarity of the situation seemed to be coming in. Then that disappeared, and he took a swing at Michael. Michael hit him before his punch landed, and Sam staggered, colliding with the kitchen table before he ended up on the floor. He moaned and lay there, looking dazed.

Paula jumped when she heard the front door opening and closing. A moment later, she heard Natalie.

“Dad, I’m back!”

Michael held up a hand to Paula.

“Go to Nat. Take her to her room and stay there.”

“What about you?”

“I’ll wait here. As for him,” Michael pulled out a chair and sat down, his eyes still on Sam, “he’s not going anywhere.”

Paula didn’t doubt that. And she wasn’t about to be told twice to get away from Sam. She hurried through to the hall, where she found Natalie taking off her trainers.

“Hey, you okay?” Natalie frowned. “What’s wrong? You’re looking pale.”

“I’ll tell you in a moment.” Paula nudged her towards the stairs. “Let’s go upstairs. I’ll tell you everything then.”

Chapter Six

Michael felt like he could breathe properly again once Sam had been escorted away. He was still protesting that he had been invited in, and that Paula had asked him over, but the police weren’t having it. Even though Sam had tried to change it so it sounded like he wasn’t the one in the wrong, he was still getting arrested.

Michael hadn’t thought it was possible for someone to be that deranged to believe what he was doing wasn’t wrong, but now he had witnessed it. Sam was a stalker, and he didn’t have a concept of anything except what was going on in his own head. He needed his head checking.

Whoever thought Sam would be perfect for Paula had to be just as insane.

At least Paula was safe. Michael couldn’t begin to describe how he felt hearing her talking to someone he didn’t recognise, hearing her distress and knowing she was in trouble.

After that, he certainly wasn’t letting go. Hopefully Paula wouldn’t push him away on this.

“He’s gone now?”

Michael turned. Paula was coming down the stairs. He shut the door and put the bolt on.

“Yeah, he’s gone. The police say he’s going to be detained.”

“Maybe they should do a mental health check. Something’s really not right with him.”

“I agree.” Michael glanced up the stairs. “How’s Natalie?”

“Shocked and angry, but she’s okay. I think hearing her ranting about delusional people in colourful language helped a bit.”

“I’ve called my ex to see if she can pick Natalie up a little early. I don’t think anyone will come here, but I want to be sure she’s not involved.”

Paula looked sheepish, hovering on the bottom step.

“I’m sorry, Michael.”

“What are you sorry for?”

“For causing you a lot of trouble. I didn’t mean to do that. All I wanted to do was find someone who would let me get away from the maniacs.”
