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The soft sheets cocooned me, but even as I slowly woke, the feel of them against my skin made me want to burrow even further into them and go back to sleep. Cedar and spice filled my nose, the scents familiar yet surprising, and an unexpected weight over my stomach erased the grogginess still clinging to my mind. Peeling my eyes, my heartbeat skipped as I flipped over in an attempt to dislodge the arm curled over my torso. Jensen easily countered my movements, rolling on top of me and grabbing my wrists in his strong hands. Those green and golden hazel eyes of his centered on me as his legs pinned my hips to the mattress and his calloused palms secured my wrists over my head.

“Are you always this slow in the morning?” he murmured, his tone sinfully smooth. “You need to be faster, sweetheart.” I grumbled and squirmed in his grip as my heart finally slowed back down. "What if I had been a criminal?"

“Who's to say you aren't?" I challenged, tilting my chin up in defiance. The corner of his lips quirked up in amusement, but he didn't deny the claim. Did that mean hewasa criminal? And if he was, were Archer and Ian? Probably. If one was, they likely all were. “Not going to answer?” I asked, narrowing my eyes when he remained quiet. “You know…” I started. “When we were together all those years ago … I never did find out what you guys did for a living.”

“Maybe you were too caught up in the mind-blowing sex,” Jensen said, smirking down at me.

I didn’t return the look. “Maybe,” I admitted with a stunted shrug, my shoulders only shifting slightly with my hands secured, feeling a familiar tightening low in my belly. “But now I find myself curious. Care to shed some light on that?”

Instead of answering, Jensen dropped down, his muscled chest pressing into me deliciously. His lips captured mine, but there was no gentleness to his kiss. Claiming me, owning me until there was nothing but Jensen and his sinfully skilled mouth. All my questions fled, disappearing as he wrecked my mind.

I stretched against his restraining hands, wanting to run my fingers through his hair, to tug him even closer, but there was no give in his hold. A whimper bubbled up against his tongue as it traced my lower lip, and a surge of wetness soaked my panties. I wanted so much more, to touch and explore each plane of his deliciously sculpted body. Wiggling my arms, I silently asked him to release them. He chuckled, trailing kisses over my jaw, but he made no move to let me go. Asshole.

"As much as I love having you under me, Mare..." Jensen's whisper was husky, and the way his breath flared over my neck with each word made my skin pebble in a wash of goosebumps, "we have things to do today.”

"Yeah, I have to work,” I replied automatically before blinking and realizing something. I’d gone to bed alone, but I obviously hadn’t woken up that way. “How the hell did you even get in here, anyway?" I demanded.Oh, they aresogetting fucking questioned about what they do for a living. As soon as Jensen released my wrists and slid off me, I sat up. As much as I was glad to be able to move freely now, I already missed having him against me. I watched him hop off the bed and stretch up on his toes, the t-shirt he wore lifting to reveal wickedly indecent abs and those fucking notches of his Adonis belt. My core throbbed with an ache that hadn’t been taken care of properly by a cock in far too fucking long.

"I’m sure you can figure it out, Mare. You’re the one who said I was a criminal, after all.”

“So, you broke in,” I huffed. “Awesome. Now, if you could politely escort yourself out, I have to get ready for work.”

“Oh no, you don't. You'll go back tomorrow to your regularly scheduled Mary Peterson life, but today you and I have training."

"You can't just make it so I have the day off," I snapped, snatching my clothes for the day out of the closet.

"What? Don’t want to come play with me today? Well, I guess it was a good thing I didn't call you off work; Ian did. Boss gets what Boss wants. You should know that by now." Jensen's playfully chiding tone only made me angrier and more irritated that they thought they could come in and change my entire life around.

I didn’t bother with a response, instead choosing to turn and storm to the bathroom. The slam of the door was satisfying as it echoed off the hard surfaces of the small room. I didn't rush, knowing Jensen was right. If he said that Ian had made it so I had the day off, I knew he really had. He’d probably called as a doctor and had given some bullshit excuse or reason that my boss would have reluctantly accepted. He could be convincing when he wanted to be. As the agitation settled, shifting from a bright burn to a simmer, I felt a hint of curiosity bloom.

"Why are we training?" I called out.

"Want to make sure your self-defense is up to par," Jensen answered once I opened the door, his head buried in the refrigerator. "You got some driving practice with Archer, so now it's my turn."

Heat burned my cheeks as I recalled last night. Archer's probing fingers and panty-melting grins rushing to the forefront of my mind. If Jensen's smirk as he backed up and looked at me was anything to go by, he knew exactly what had happened. That thought only made my blush intensify, but I refused to feel guilty or make excuses. I was an adult, and if they wanted to be the men in my life, then they would have to accept that a girl had needs.

Not that any of them seemed willing to give me exactly what I craved, but I knew it was only a matter of time. They were good at waiting, but so was I.

"Alright then," I finally said, realizing I had been standing there staring at him for a ridiculous amount of time. "When do we start?"

"Oh, we're not doing it here,” he said, slinging an arm over my shoulders and steering me towards the front door. “We’re heading somewhere special for this little session."

Jensen all hot and sweaty? Count me in.

* * *

Dressedin a pair of workout leggings and a tank beneath a jacket to keep the wind and chill at bay, we arrived at what Jensen claimed was a gym. The parking lot was fairly empty, considering it was a Monday and still early in the day. The building itself looked so much like a rundown warehouse that I half expected it to have a 'Condemned' sign on the door and was only mildly surprised when it opened without the telltale screech of aged and rusted metal.

Inside, though, was an entirely different story. I shed my jacket and chucked it over a nearby line of hooks before padding back to Jensen as I glanced around. Thick black mats covered half the floor, and a bank of mirrors lined almost every wall of the large interior. There was a small collection of machines, but for the most part, there were racks upon racks of free weights, what looked to be weapons, and a rock wall that held my attention.

"Come on, this way." Jensen guided me, his hand coming to my lower back to nudge me in the direction he wanted me to walk.

"Hey, Jet,” a man with dirty blond hair called out. My brows drew together at the name, and I glanced discreetly around me, but when I didn’t see anyone, I realized he must have been talking to Jensen.

“Wolf,” Jensen greeted, giving the man a fist bump. “Didn’t know you were in town.”
