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“In for some business. I’m sure you know how it is.” The man shrugged before glancing at me. “Who’s the girl?”

“Mine,” Jensen murmured, his hazel eyes looking down and owning me in a single glance. “As well as Archer’s and Boss’s.”

“Ah, yes, say no more. Good to meet you. Hopefully we never have to meet in the future, little lady,” Wolf told me, giving me a small two-fingered salute before starting towards the water fountain. Tanned skin was stretched taut over sculpted muscles, and his blond hair was short and messy, as if he hadn’t bothered to brush it this morning. A wash of hair a shade or two darker than his head covered his jaw, and his movements were smooth, calculated. Everything about Wolf reminded me of Ian, Jensen, and Archer. Dangerous. Predator. No matter how they knew each other, I knew it was something I should be scared of.

And yet, somehow, I wasn’t.

The strange interaction was short, only giving me a brief moment to take in the man, but my curiosity burned. The pieces were starting to fit together, what my guys were capable of, the shady gym, connections with other seemingly badass people … the puzzle formed in my mind but before I could think too much about it, Jensen directed me where he wanted me to go. Definitely some shit to think over later today. The guys had secrets, and I wanted to figure out what they were whether they wanted me to or not.

“Ready, Mare?” Jensen asked, steering me along until we reached the large open portion of the room. Pausing at the edge of one of the mats, I glanced at Jensen with an expression that hopefully conveyed the ‘ready for what?’ thought that rattled through my mind. This wasn’t my first time sparring or learning self-defense, but I knew my guys. Whatever they had in store for me was going to be difficult and no doubt out of the ordinary.Not to mention hot as hell,my brain whispered as Jensen shed his t-shirt.

His tanned skin was a warm golden brown; dips and hard planes met my eyes as I looked at his chest. A trim waist gave way to gray sweatpants, and I couldn’t stop my mouth from watering with the memory of what I knew lay beneath the soft fabric.

“My eyes are up here,” he called out, my cheeks burning at his chiding. “It’s safe to assume you’ve taken some kind of self-defense training previously?”

“Yeah, when I first moved.” I intentionally left out that it had been through the Witness Protection Program because we weren’t alone. “It’s been a while.”

“I figured, besides, those agents don’t know shit when it comes to fighting. They’re all taught the same basic moves. That’s not going to save you in the real world, baby.” My lips thinned slightly, my eyes narrowing at how easily he’d spouted about the men who’d taught me self defense.Another piece of the puzzle…

“Oh, and I’m just supposed to believe you can teach me how to save myself?” The sarcastic note wasn’t subtle and neither was my body language, my arms crossing over my chest tightly. Chuckling, Jensen stalked closer, his gaze dipping down to my tits momentarily.

“You can play around all you want,” he whispered, his bare chest rubbing against my arms. The heat from his body seeped into me, and goosebumps pebbled across my skin at the contact. “But you best believe that if it comes down to a life or death situation, youwillbe ready enough to save yourself. Understood?”

I gulped, the severity of his statement bringing back all of the reasons why being around the three of them was such a terrible idea in the first place. So, I dropped my arms and waited for Jensen to start teaching.No use in letting a perfectly good opportunity to learn how to protect myself go to waste.

“Warm up first. Follow me,” Jensen directed when he realized I was ready to start. We jogged around the perimeter of the room, following a haphazardly painted line. While I wasn’t out of shape, it had been ages since I’d truly run, so when Jensen finally called the warm up to an end, I was panting. “Definitely need to work on your stamina a bit there, Mare.” The leisurely eye-fucking that accompanied his observation left no doubt in my mind of exactly what he wanted to do to build my stamina levels.

“My eyes are up here,” I parroted back through puffs of air.

He didn’t dignify my statement with an answer, just a smirk before moving swiftly toward me. Yelping, I dodged the punch. Barely. But I couldn’t avoid the second or third, my blocks nearly useless as Jensen continued his assault. Finally, he was able to move in, wrapping an arm around my waist before knocking me off balance.

“Holy shit,” I gasped when I collided with the mat, my eyes going wide as I stared at Jensen from my prone position.

“And I was going easy on you.” He tsked. “You need to be better. Faster. Prepared for whatever anyone could do at any given moment.”

“How is lecturing me about the fact that I’m slow helping at all?” I argued, shoving up to a standing position. Irritation at being so easily laid out filled my body, but I forced it down, knowing it wouldn’t do me any good.

“Wasn’t a lecture, only a reminder. Now, let’s get to work.”

Over the next hour, we worked through different moves, running through them until I felt I could do them in my sleep. Jensen wasn’t like Archer in his teaching; there was no blatant teasing to get me to do what he wanted. It was hard, precise, drills ran over and over until my muscles ached and my body nearly shook. Yet somehow, the more we worked, the more my blood started to spark.

“Again,” he demanded.

The commanding tone wound its way through me, tightening my core as I moved. Turning to block the strike he threw, my ass brushed against his hips. Unable to help myself, I wiggled when I threw my elbow into his sculpted abs. Immediately, his body responded, cock hardening against the crest of my ass with each teasing pass. Before I could finish out the move, Jensen changed his position, calloused fingers closing around my neck in a possessive hold.

“That sexy ass of yours is a good distraction, but it won’t work on me,” he whispered. Soft lips brushed over the curve of my ear, my hair shifting with each word.

“Really? It seems to be doing something,” I smarted, rocking my hips back, more demanding than before. Thankfully, as we’d warmed up and started our sparring session, his friend, Wolf, left, giving us privacy. I could tease him to my heart’s content.

A soft growl reached my ears, Jensen’s hand tightening ever so slightly as I continued. His breathing grew ragged, and a sharp nip on my ear told me it was indeed distracting him. As much as I wanted to continue, to feel his fingers, cock, and skilled tongue fill me, there was a motive behind my teasing. Moving without any warning, I dislodged the grip on my neck, cranking his hand back at an odd angle. With a kick to the ankle and a sharp tug, Jensen stumbled to the ground.

“Doesn’t work on you, huh?” I mouthed off with a brow raise, trying to jump back out of the way when he lunged. Grabbing hold, he tackled me to the mat, forcing his way between my thighs. His hand returned to my neck, pinning me to the floor as he rolled his confined cock over my clit. Burning and nearly painful tingles wracked my body as he continued to rock over the sensitive bud, and my moan was muffled by his grasp on my throat.

I should have been worried or ashamed that we were doing this in the middle of an open space knowing that someone could walk in at any moment, but I wasn’t. All I wanted was more, and the reminder that we could be caught only made me burn hotter. Only made me feel sexier.

“I was going to maybe let you come for doing so well in your training, but with that bratty attitude of yours, I think I’ll let you suffer,” he told me, pulling away with a triumphant glint in his eyes. “Now, get up and run through it again.”Ugh, fuck. Sparring was going to be damn near torturous now that I was nearly drowning in need.

And the bastard knew it.

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