Page 100 of Ares

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I shake my head. I’ve checked my phone a million times. Even gave in and called her, but it went to voice message.

“Could be nothing,” he says.

“Or it could be everything.”

“There’s a lot going on right now.”

“No shit.”

“You need to get your head back on straight. Go see your girl. Do whatever you got to do, just fix it.”

“She’s keeping something from me, and every time she tries to bring it up, she gets scared and pulls away. She tried telling me something last night. But then she got scared again and told me not to come back. Whatever is going on with her, it’s big enough to make her want to run away.”

“Then you need to find out what it is.”

I walk away.

In the quiet of my shower, I stand under the warm stream of water and brace myself against the tiles. My shoulders ache. Hell, everything does.

Drying off, I dress and check my cell again, but the screen is still empty.

It’s been almost twenty-four hours since I left her apartment.

“Fuck this,” I growl, shoving my cell into my cut and grabbing my keys off the bedside table.

But before I can leave, Paw appears in the doorway.

The look on his face sets off warning bells in my head. “What?”

He has a laptop in his hands, and he holds it up. “You need to see this.”

On the screen is the software he uses for facial recognition.

“You ran a check on Rory? Why the fuck would you do that?”

“She’s not who she says she is, Ares.”

“Fuck you.”

“You know it’s protocol.”

I want to throat punch him for looking into my girl’s past. But he’s right. Anyone who gets close to the Kings is subject to a background check.

Ares, there is something I need to tell you.

My stomach tightens with unease.

And I take it out on Paw.

“I don’t give a fuck what you found out. I know who she is.”

“No, you don’t.”

I brush past him, but he stops me and shoves the laptop into my chest. “Read it.”

I glance down, and immediately something catches my eye.

Her name isn’t Rory Jones.
