Page 80 of Ares

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She opens the door, and just the sight of her beautiful face fuels the need in me. Without a word, I step inside and take her in my arms and kiss her fiercely because her lips are like wine, and I am the addict who needs them. And after the shit I saw tonight, I need her to soothe the panic in my heart.

If anything fucking happens to her.

I hoist her up into my arms. I can’t get close enough to her.

“I need you so fucking much right now.”

I kick the door closed behind me and carry her across the room.

Once in her bedroom, I shred her clothes from her tiny frame and spend the next hour getting lost in her luscious body.


“Is she going to survive?” I ask, horrified by the gruesome details Ares shared about Katey. We’re lying in bed, the sheet pulled up to our naked waists. Ares’ thumb grazes my shoulder as he stares up at the ceiling.

“Physically. But the scarring will be a mental hurdle.”

His warm brown eyes fill with empathy but also fury. The mix is a turn-on.

“Seeing her like that…” His voice is hoarse. “Things won’t ever be the same for her.”

I didn’t plan on seeing Ares tonight because my visit to Boston was still fucking with me. Hell, seeing my mother and her fiancé was still fucking with me when I got home and unlocked my front door. All I wanted was a shower, to crawl into bed, and slip into a long, dreamless sleep.

But Ares knocking on my door changed everything, and ironically, it was the very man who I am meant to kill, who pulled me out of my funk and made me feel better with two mind-blowing orgasms and Chinese takeout.

Now, I lay tangled in his arms, my body content and relaxed in the afterglow of what his giant cock did to me.

While a war rages in my head.

I lean up on my elbow. “She’s so young. When this kind of thing happens, sometimes it makes me think there isn’t any justice in this world.”

“Sometimes you gotta make your own justice,” he says, his jaw ticking.

“Do you really believe that?”

“I live by it.”

I look up at him. “Is that what you used to do when you worked for the De Kysa?”

His eyes dart to mine, and he searches my face.

He frowns. “I never mentioned the De Kysa to you.”


Imprisoned by this questioning look, I race into damage control. “In passing, you mentioned working for the De Kysa.” I shrug as if it’s nothing. “Boston is my hometown. I know who the De Kysa are and what they do. I figured you worked for them in a similar role as the Kings.”

His gaze is scorching, but I don’t look away. I play it cool as if I hadn’t just put a giant foot in my mouth.

He has never mentioned the De Kysa to me, and he knows it. But he is silently questioning it, and I hope it’s enough for us to move past this slip-up.

Finally, he asks, “Does that bother you?”

Inwardly, I breathe a sigh of relief.

“I guess that depends on what you did for them.”

He pauses and then surprises the hell out of me when he says, “I took care of bad people.”
