Page 31 of Waiting

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I’ve never had that.

I love it.

I’m fairly certain that I also love her but again…

Two weeks in seems a wee bit early for admitting it.

Harper’s sweet, hopeful tone almost hurts my heart. “Breakfast? Fried eggs and tea? God, how do you even make tea taste so damn good.”

“It’s a skill.”

“You have like all of the cooking skills. You’re amazing in the kitchen.”



Always coming.

Almost like her.

“Do you have any idea how much I love starting my mornings off being told how incredible I am?”

“Did I say you were incredible or your cooking?”

The teasing receives a small snicker on a shake of the head. “Now, you know I love making breakfast almost as much as you love eating it-”

“Not loving the moo cow way that shit makes me sound.”

“However, I have to go in early today, remember?” My reminder occurs during my cross to her en suite bathroom. “Training then two hours to get home, showered, and start my shift. It’s the reason why I can’t tag along to the cinema with you and Nat nor finally bloody meet her.” The arrival inside is followed by my gaze locking on hers. “Offer still stands, álainn.”

Harper girlishly giggles at being called beautiful in Irish.

“I can put you two down for a reservation and get to know her while serving you two dinner.”

“No,” she swiftly denies so fast it stumbles me backward. “Absolutely not happening.”

“Why not?” An uncomfortable emotion I’m not well acquainted with wiggles itself along the back of my throat. “Embarrassed?”

Her head tilts in an irritated fashion on an even more irked glare. “You know that I’m not.”

Do I know that?

Only because she says it.

And I am the one who was taught that you believe someone, that you trust them, until they give you reason otherwise.

She hasn’t, yet it’s hard to ignore the niggling in my mind that she’s ashamed I’m not some stockbroker or car salesman. Pretty much anything with a pension or possibility for one.

Probably doesn’t help she’s still friends with her ex who is in the aforementioned categories.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

No soportó como están arriba de uno.

Hate that too friendly shite.

Loathe that they’re still bloody “besties”.
