Page 55 of Waiting

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Tate and I both hit him with raised eyebrows of disapproval.


Our scowls remain unchanged.


They promptly deepen.

“Young,” Daniel clumsily fumbles out the truth.

“Don’t you have a toe implant to do or something?” I not so slyly shoo him out of the room.

“Not ‘til next Tuesday,” he replies with an amused smirk, “but I get it. I’ll go. Let you two have some QT.” My ex stands and begins to back out of the room, however, stops just short of the exit to state, “Don’t forget to check your schedule and text me about going to Rent next month. I’d much rather go with you than Kiera. I’d rather not have to listen to her ‘this was better on Broadway’ bullshit for three hours.”

I helplessly laugh over his mocking, which causes Tate to loudly huff.

Okay, so I can’t find anyone else funny?

Is that like a girlfriend rule I overlooked?

Erasing my amusement is harder than expected leaving my retort a little muddled, “Yeah, will do.”

Daniel smiles again, winks, and exits, shutting the door quietly behind him.

Before my mouth can even consider moving, Tate rudely bites, “I don’t want him in here anymore.”

Not rolling my eyes takes an act of a higher power. “We’re just friends, babe.”

“I don’t want that, either.”

“Okay,” one leg is crossed over the other, “but it’s still going to happen.”

His green eyes narrow to an unhappy glare at the same time he leans against the edge of my desk. “Why?”

“Because I’m a grown fucking woman who doesn’t need someone else to pick and choose her friends for her.”

Displeasure flares again. “You don’t need to be spending this much fucking time with your ex.”

“And you don’t get to decide that.”

“I should get some sort of fucking vote. I’m your bloody boyfriend.”

“And as my bloody boyfriend – who I am nothing but up front with – you should trust me to cut some shit off or redefine some boundaries if I thought there was an issue.”

“There is an issue!”

“You being butt hurt because I’m still friends with someone who used to see me naked is not a real issue! You don’t see me flipping out every time some THOT you used to bang pops up in your DMs like a cold sore that refuses to stay away, do you?”

And God, do they love to send him tit shots.

And ass shots.

And almost naked shots.

And let’s not even touch on the fact that when I happen to see those right before he deletes them the whole “my body damn sure doesn’t look like that anymore” thought train blows its whistle so that all physical insecurities can board it at the exact same time.

But I deal with that train.
