Page 63 of Waiting

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“Sí.” Extending my open palm for her to take is done the instant my feet touch the ground. “Come on.”

Intrigue and adoration hit her glowing gaze in the same breath prompting her to connect our hands. Once out of the vehicle, I bring up the song on my phone, toss it on the edge of the seat, and wrap one arm around her waist while the other holds the more traditional upright position that cradlers her hand. Harper lovingly drapes her arm around my neck while slowly swaying to the sweet crooning of my favorite singer.

With the moonlight illuminating the asphalt, we transform the parking lot into our own private dance floor, an action that puts images involving her in a white dress at the front of my mind.

I don’t wanna rush her.

But I can’t pretend I wanna wait, either.

How could I?

How could I ever let someone so kind and caring and bloody thoughtful go unbound to me forever?

She needs a ring.

I need to get her a ring.

“Thank you for this,” I quietly state. “It means more to me than you bloody know.”

“Bringing you cake?”

“Showing you care.”

“Of course, I care.” Her brown eyes hold my green hostage. “Given the exhausted look you walked out of the restaurant with, I’m guessing it was a rough night.”

“Right up until you showed up.”

She flashes a modest beam. “What happened?”

“Bad customers. Bad mood. Bad vibe all around.”

Sympathy doesn’t hesitate to creep into her stare.

“But you make everything so much better, Harper.”

Blush begins coating her cheeks.

“Coño, just…instantly…my whole life feels good again.”

Her teeth steal a tiny bite from her bottom lip.

“Being with you is the only anniversary gift I’ll ever need.” My forehead gently presses itself to hers. “Never forget that.”

A loving hum is freed before she teases, “Does that mean you want me to get a refund for the other one?”

“Of course not.”

Our laughter is sadly cut short by a familiar ringtone.

Sorrow appears in both our stares, yet honestly, I’m not sure whose gets that way faster.

She quietly croaks, “I gotta go, babe.”

“I know.” Nodding in understanding is swiftly done. “I know the drill.” After retrieving my phone, I warmly insist, “Drive or fly safe, okay?”

“Always.” There’s a sweet peck placed on my lips. “Headed home?”

“Coño, I love that we live together.”
